Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

I love and respect Bobbie Anne Cox so much. I’m not in NY, but she is fighting for all Americans. Thank you for fighting for our freedom. Praying for you every day🙏❣️

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When we re-entered the US two days ago from England, and then left NYC for Washington state, we had to give our contact info so the CDC could find us if needed up to 14 days after our flight. If I didn't fill out the contact info correctly, they can charge me with a crime. It sure feels like stalking/illegal search/something that us definitely UN-American and even criminal to require my personal contact info. In addition, in order to fly now, you are agreeing to being watched everywhere in the airport, submitting to facial scanning on checkin, having that picture connected with your boarding pass so that TSA no longer even asks for your ID or even boarding pass because the system will flag if your face isn't connecting to the proper picture and flight. It is downright creepy. And for domestic flights, a sign in small print says that you don't have to submit to a picture, but tell TSA. well, I did that and they didn't know what to do. we had to wait another 5 minutes to assert our right to not be photographed and have our private pictures of our person not be stored somewhere electronically for 14 days. QUITE disturbing. Oh, and let's not forget that we have to submit to illegal search and seizure and molestation if we wish to travel. My bags searched, my ice packs for my kids with food allergies food confiscated or threatened to be confiscated and their food allergies treated as fake, my body patted down because their machine turns up false positives on a regular basis according to their own people when they apologize to me.

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Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

Everyone, Give her some money! She needs it in order to fight. Even $10. We must sacrifice to try and save America. They are planning to take everything we own very soon. Do not comply. Fight with your dollars for those who love the American Constitution and freedom.

Read. 2Chronicles 7:14. in your Bible and do what it says today. Your life depends on it. Truth……. 🙏

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

We are so thankful for you and what you are doing. I was raised in Tarrytown, NY and currently live in NJ. I see what we are facing .We can stop it with everyone's help.

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Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

You are spot on as usual Bobbie. Ignore nay sayers as they sadly have either ignored the reality of events, the creeping destruction of America, and how - unless we wake up ALL of AMERICA and rise up (togetherl to fight this, we will soon experience what Donald Trump called a coming blood bath, and a march towards permanent martial law.

I hope I am wrong and things will improve, but it is important to be aware and a realist.

Didn't the Boy Scouts motto say, - BE PREPARED.

Blessings and stay safe .

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Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

How can you expect people who are still even now, unable to even admit the vaccinations are not harmful or that Trump could be a decent candidate to even consider, that what facts you are speaking about are real, dangerous and deadly as the jab itself.

A fitness/masseuse instructor was aghast after I told her about Hockels quarantine (concentration) camps. She was not shocked that I mentioned it but to my surprise she was shocked I thought there was anything wrong with it. She said Hockel was never intending to have concentration camps she was only intending to quarantine sick people. She did not believe Hockel was going to incarcerate any she wants whenever and wherever she deems fit. She just WOULD NOT EVEN RESEARCH IT HERSELF!

We have a problem a HUGE PROBLEM. you’re right it’s NOT ONLY NEW YORK.

The problem is so big I am convinced it’s going to take DIVINE INTERVENTION to stop it. You happen to be working to help people who don’t have a freaking clue about the fascist reality looming ahead.

You might be the right hand of God. Maybe you can perform miracles. Time will tell.

But the fact you’re even here at this time in history is a glorious step in favor of freedom.

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Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

The mere fact that someone agrees to comply with the demands of tyrants doesn't mean it isn't tyranny. Rules and laws imposed for the "good" of the people are the worst forms of tyranny. For them to demand or even ask in the first place is tyranny. Tyrants have plenty of ways to gain compliance without the people thinking they are being tyrannized. The most skillful make people think it is a good idea.

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Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox


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Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

Keep on calling it what it is!

Some Will wake up.

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Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

You have been followed on Twitter as well as substack. Might I add that its never too early to teach about tyranny and government overreach, and the tik tok ban is a good opportunity, my grandson (10) thought if Tiktok is bad for us, it's ok for the government to ban it. I told him that's not how our government works. These decisions are left up to us. Thanks for your work on this. We do have to support those who fight for is if we are going to beat the ttyranny.

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Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

I see this tyranny happening and so many people do not and in fact seem to promote it without even understanding what they are doing!

Bobbie Anne Cox, please keep using your voice! I'll keep sharing and speaking to as many that will listen.

Thank you for all you do!

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Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

Bobbie Anne, you speak truth in my book!


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Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

Sent on to my family living in NY. I will continue to donate! This is impt for all Americans!!!

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Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

Bobbie Anne Cox is spot on. Here in NJ it seems like the majority of the population is so blind to what's happening. Even in spite of NJ Rep. Chris Smith giving a press conference on Feb. 6, 2024 warning everyone about the WHO's Pandemic Treaty currently on the table threatening to take all of our freedom away, I hear absolutely no one talking about it. Rep. Chris Smith and several others warned about the dire consequences ( link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R8IK17gEVI or you can go to NJ Rep. Chris Smith's website and look for the 2/6/24 press conference) but unfortunately, it seems like the people of New Jersey will only wake up when hind sight brings them 20/20 vision. Thank you Ms. Cox for all of your efforts - you are truly one in a million.

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Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

Bobbie Anne, you are right. People have no idea on the meaning of the words they use. Many just parrot the media. The amount of indoctrination that has to be over come is nearly insurrmountable 13 years of grade school, 4 of high school and then 4-8 of college. Some how we must educate the young - those still in high school - there we have a chance -as its a somewhat rebelious, question asking time in our lives. After that its going to be a nearly imposible slog - people are too set in their ways. High school people are still reachable. Speakers bureaus, stacks such as yours - I post and send it to those on my contact list. We all can join in this, we don't have to write - simple copy, paste and send. Will this convert people overnight - no, but the seed must be planted and nurtured and watered. Send it to your children, family and friends. When you go to parent teacher conferences talk to the civics/history teacher - send it to them.

Setting back and doing nothing is not an option if we wish to avoid the ravishes of history to empires.

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Mar 18Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

Thank you so much for Rep.Adam Morgan's remarks. I hope it hits the news cycle somewhere somehow... BRILLIANT. !


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