You always inspire. May you have great success in 2025, and encouragement from those you serve so courageously. Thank you!

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Thank you, Barbara!

God bless and happy 2025 to you.

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Thank you for all you have done and will be doing. I believe the scripture tells us that “nothing is impossible with God”. God’s presence was invited when the Mayflower Compact was written and His presence is needed now. Our country needs a spiritual rebirth. We have seriously lost our way. May God bless 2025!

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Jan 1Edited

Thank you Bobbie for your courage in this battle and your tireless efforts to fight for all of us. People like you help me fight on in this battle knowing I'm not alone.

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Thanks Deborah.

God bless and keep going!

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Happy New Year Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox! 🎉🎄 🥂

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Happy New Year to you, Mario.

God bless!

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This has been going on since the beginning of time. You have elitist narcissist collectives imposing the will on the population. This is why we need to bring back militias. Militias used to be the pushback against corrupt government. There would be no corrupt lawyers, no corrupt judges and courts, no corrupt politicians. Etc. the other part of the problem is we have a population that lacks any will to do anything. Perhaps it's the alcohol, medical dependencies, autisms, and other weaknesses and corruptions of the brain because they can't reason. I'm guessing that even if they tried to put the little people into the camps, they would raise arms. But if the little people had the moral spine they would probably back you up more. Stack the courtroom and send a message to the judge. Back in the day when militia's had a strong arm, none of this crap went on. If it did you were lucky just to get tarred and feathered. Part of being in a "Democratic" society, is getting the people together and forcing the will of the people upon government on no uncertain terms. But people are lazy they think pulling a lever in the voting booth is democracy.

Government is imposing medical interventions upon a population. Honestly I think it's just talk. New York is pathologically armed psychotically. I don't think it would ever happen, I think it's a scare tactic. You have an element of the population that's highly criminal and wouldn't put up with it. I know very few moral people. They are opportunistic and try to stay out of the limelight so they don't get in trouble. One of the first things they tell you if you go to the hospital is -

"You have a right to refuse all medical interventions and treatments"

I haven't heard anything but was this a jury trial? I just think the whole thing is silly so I haven't really been paying attention. When judges and lawyers get out of line I file criminal charges on them. That is how you have to roll. You have to play hardball.

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There is nothing silly about this lawsuit! Read the regulation at the end of the court decision: https://nycourts.gov/reporter/3dseries/2022/2022_22418.htm Then please explain to me what part is the scare tactic and would never happen? Attorney Cox worked extremely hard to fight this regulation. Here is a link with all the info about the quarantine lawsuit. https://unitingnys.com/lawsuit/ Also, check out Attorney Cox's Substacks that she listed above with more info.

Over 400 people packed the courthouse the day of oral arguments at the Appellate Court in Rochester. There were a lot of people with "moral spine" backing up Attorney Cox in court. We packed the courtroom, hallways, and outside the building. Read about it here: https://unitingnys.com/our-day-in-court-was-a-smashing-success/

Check out this video to see the support she received: https://rumble.com/v3hiiuu-thunderstruck-not-all-heroes-wear-a-cape.html

Please do some research on this lawsuit before you comment.

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And New York state is so dirty with Jewish lawyers and Jewish judges and Jewish courts and this is typical Marxist communism which is another corruption of the Jewish mind. You cannot reason with these fucking criminals. The only thing they understand is pain when their blood is running in the streets. You cannot reason with them you cannot reason with them you cannot reason with them. I've dealt with dirty judges for 40 years they don't listen to you. Roberta is a lawyer she expects to reason with a judge it's not going to happen I knew it wasn't going to happen from the beginning. I'm not reading or watching any more stupid videos I don't care. Grow a set of fucking balls. The bar association also known as the bar mitzvah association is a Jewish organized crime syndicate. Get that into your little thick head. They don't work for you they don't work for me they work for themselves exploiting other people. There is no honor in the court system in New York state. All I can do is twist their arms then they start to listen to me. If they're stupid they ignore me.

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If somebody came to my house and tried to take me to a camp they would be killed. Do you understand that?Packing the courthouse means nothing because we have a population that is impotent. We have a criminally insane government. If we had militia's none of this bullshit would be going on. But people would rather stay at home watch sports and drink. We got the government we deserved. Or you deserved.

You cannot impose medical interventions on anybody. That's the law. Roberta needs to file criminal charges as a matter of record. Not that it's going to do anything because nobody listens. Until there's blood in the street, nothing's going to change. I don't have to do any research on this lawsuit I know my rights I know the law.

As I said, nobody's taking me to any internment camp. Got it?

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I get it! You advocate for violence over peacefully resolving issues that directly affect your freedoms. Have a great day!

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What you don't understand is they are already using violence against you. Nobody wants violence in the streets. But they are pressing the issue against you. To put you in internment camps is a violent act. They will use guns to force you into an internment camp. Thats history. Learn from it or you will repeat it. The bar association is a foreign agency that does not have Americans interest at heart. It's been this way for a long time. You've just gotten too used to it. You think you can reason with narcissists and sociopaths. Never going to happen.


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Roberta needs to go to the police and the sheriff and file criminal reports. She put on a good show. She's not wrong but they don't listen. I'm sure there's plenty of denial of due process everywhere. I've been through this crap all my life I'm sick of it and it's of no surprise.

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As an ex Newyorkistaner of 34 years, Bobbie, I've said this before and i will say it once more: you are a National Treasure and a living doll!

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We really dodged a bullet... COVID was the lead in to indoctrination of more and more restrictive crap.


You saw the regulation quickly and thankfully now it's public conversation.

Happy new year 2025. The year we find an alien called reality. If we all saw reality, we would know why things are a mess in politics, law, and economics.

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Rob, would you really go to an internment camp, the gulag where they put a bullet in your head and throw you in the ditch? I would like to assume you are man enough to bear arms and stop them even if it means giving up your life. You don't want to be in the gulag.

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I'm confused.

If you checked the link I sent, that was the possible reality of humanity. One that was terrorized into exactly what you're saying and what they expected of us.

It's not going to happen.

That's my point. More people know about this pandemic scam than ever.

People power, even if the law is bullshit.

Change starts from the bottom up and we're seeing that even in MAGA where the idiot oligarch Elon Musk and other tech hoes are pretty much showing how greedy, stupid, and insensitive they are.

Not even Bill Gates got that kind of reveal 😂

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I don't really watch TV or listen to the pundits, if I do I'm always disagreeing. Mostly people don't know what the hell they're talking about or what they're thinking. I have lawful parameters I go by and when people go beyond the lawful parameters I don't listen anymore. Life isn't that complicated. I don't listen to Media sound bites I don't even say the maga word. I think Bill Gates is a tranny. I think Elon musk is a tranny. I think Donald Trump is a tranny along with his wife and Jared kushner. I know he trans his little boy. These are satanists. These people don't take up rent in my head. I knew the covid scam was a scam from the start and paid it really no mind other than doing what little I had to do to get into the store get my produce and get out of the store. Many times my nose would be above the mask. I have to breathe through my nose. I'm sorry humanity is paranoid but it's not my problem. I don't listen to authority because I'm my own authority. I'm defiant and I will always be that way. Government for the most part has been a failure, not only recently but throughout history. Government is not your friend. People are looking for Daddy to take care of them. I'm all for the idea of property ownership free and clear. But people think they should pay property taxes then suffer the consequences when they cant. This is flawed thinking. People are afraid of going to internment camps. I'm not because I'm not going.

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I think that they lost a lot of their power.

Bill Gates had to change the name of his projects because all over the world they were getting skeptical.

If you look at the transcript I added to my article you'll see what they intended and failed to continue.. they gambled on doing covid and thought they won which is why they were pushing these crazy regulations and mandates.


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God bless you, Bobbie Anne.

Praying for you.

We are never alone.

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Thank you for being such a remarkable, honest force in this perverted world! I’m in PA, but follow you. Best of everything in 2025. Keep up the fight against awful reeducation(bs) camps! Thank you for that. Happy New Year!🎉💝🎉

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So thankful for everything you do! New Year Blessings!

Can't say this often enough!

All life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

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Thank you Bobbie Ann! Stay in the fight!

We need an organization that monitors proposed Bill's !!!

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Uniting NYS monitors proposed bills in NY. Here is a post, and it will be updated when the new bills are introduced over the next few weeks: https://unitingnys.com/actions/ny-take-action-tell-your-legislators-how-you-feel-about-these-bills/

Make sure you come back to the post to check for updates. Also, sign up for Uniting NYS's newsletter. It will keep you informed on bills and other issues facing NYS. www.UnitingNYS.com

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Thank You Liz. I donate to UNY, now I'll sign up for the newsletter....LOL!

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Thank you for donating! We appreciate it! Awesome, that you are signing up for the newsletter.

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God Bless you for all you do. Still in NY even with all the corruption that is evident and fighting for our sovereign rights with every vote. I have not given up and neither have you. More have come to Light with your substack, of which I share freely, so that others may find their way through the darkness to much brighter dawn.

With Great Appreciation for the Freedom Fighter that you are.

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Thank you for sharing Attorney Cox's Substacks! It is so important to share her valuable information with others. Please sign up for Uniting NYS's newsletter too and share that. Uniting NYS is a plaintiff on the quarantine lawsuit. We keep NYers informed. You can sign up here www.unitingnys.com

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You are like a super hero compared to me. Respect.

On the west coast, WA, OR, and CA our voting system is, and I am being kind, compromised. Are you sure NYers voted for this? Fifty six percent is high, though.

Oregon voting is a joke and once Politicians get that "you cant touch this" feeling, the tyranny rages like a fire.

For those that stay and fight in these commie states, I salute you but the rest should run like hell. Let these states collapse from lack of everything.

Just think this all through, 13 or so commie states have zero emissions, battery operated tractor trailers by 2035. This alone kills everyone.

Add free everything for illegals and drug addicts, a perfect shot hole is made.

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Hi Bobbie Anne,

I put you in my chart of opinions. If you object or if I got anything wrong, let me know.

Opinions On Wedge Issues

of some well known commentators, as far as I can tell...a work in progress


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I want people to notice something. I want them to notice how all these lawyers went against you. They went against common sense to fight you. It didn't seem like you were getting any help from your fellow bar mitzvah associated criminals because they want people in quarantine camps. That way they can confiscate your property which you don't own anyway. Instead of letting one lone woman do all this work, men need to stand up and check their testicles. They need to be a little forceful about it too. Instead of standing on the sidelines like cheerleaders cheering Bobbie on. The fact is men in America have no balls to take a stand up on anything. Very disappointed with men. If we had militias, none of this corruption would be taking place. The cops the judges and the lawyers would all be put in check.

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The problem is when you become a lawyer in America they tell you you have to join the bar association. The bar mitzvah association is a Jewish organized crime syndicate. Jews are pathological narcissist. Then they get together in a group and they are virtually impossible to stop because they all protect each other. We need a non-jewish Christian system of law. We live in a country where people confuse Santa with Jesus.

The bar association is going to bring down America. The Jewish medical extermination complex is bringing down America with pharmacy which means "to practice witchcraft" through the aid of television and mainstream media, the Jews have put everybody under a witchcraft spell to be compliant. They have been doing it for centuries. Nothing repulses me more than to see spineless men. Who can't stand up to lawyers and doctors.

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