Recapping 2024. Projecting into 2025.
2024 found me fighting quarantine camps, gerrymandered Congressional districts, and the evil Prop 1 (aka the modern day Trojan Horse that the Left oximoronically named the "Equal Rights Amendment")
With just hours left in 2024, and the nascent hours of 2025 set to emerge shortly, I sit down to write my final article of this year. It has been a tumultuous year, to say the least, and yet I end it on a hopeful note. This 2024 year found me fighting against forced quarantine camps, gerrymandered Congressional districts, and the evil Prop 1 (aka the modern day Trojan Horse the Left oxymoronically nicknamed the "Equal Rights Amendment").
Let’s start with quarantine camps…
I’ve been writing my Substack since July of 2022, so for 2.5 years now. The whole reason I started a Substack was because a colleague of mine suggested I share my work on my historic quarantine camp lawsuit with the public. It was mid July and I had just won my case against the totalitarian Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, and her insane Department of Health, striking down their outrageous and wildly unconstitutional quarantine camp regulation. My victory was epic… a true David v. Goliath story where the big, bad, authoritarian government with hundreds of attorneys and all of our tax dollars at their disposal was defeated by little ole’ yours truly. My team was comprised of me, myself and I, and my funding was non-existent. I funded it all, and handled the case solo, having received zero help from any civil rights groups or fellow attorneys, despite my requests for assistance. Our government was steamrolling over unsuspecting New Yorkers’ rights with a regulation that was so insane, you wouldn’t even expect to see it in communist China, let alone here in the United States! Think I’m being overly dramatic? You decide…
In short, with this “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” regulation, the government was illegally giving itself the dystopian power to pull you from your home and toss you into a quarantine facility of their choosing, for however long they wanted, without any notice, without any hearing, without the right to an attorney until after you were locked up, and without a way for you to regain your freedom once in jail. This totalitarian’s dreamboat reg also gave the government the right to control your every move whilst you were in quarantine. I do encourage you to let your imagination run wild with that last little tidbit there. Over the past couple of years I’ve been asked a thousand times whether or not that power could include the government forcing you to take a drug/medication/vaccine while in lockdown, and the answer is, absolutely. The language in the reg was so broad, they could have required you to do whatever they wished, especially if it was tied to you possibly regaining your freedom. Finding that difficult to believe? Don’t take my word for it. Here’s just some of the language in the reg:
(b) Any isolation or quarantine order shall specify:
(5) Instructions for maintaining appropriate distance and taking such other actions as to prevent transmission to other persons living or working at the isolation or quarantine location, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue.
(emphasis added)
The government would have had 100% control over you. Your rights were nonexistent under that horrific reg. Feeling like that is an exaggeration? Check out this provision of the reg:
(b) Any isolation or quarantine order shall specify:
(9) Such other limitations on interactions with other persons as are appropriate, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue.
(emphasis added)
The phrase “consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue” is a power grab of unmatched kind. This reg that the Governor and the DOH issued made the unelected bureaucrats in the DOH into gods. No exaggeration. Why do I categorize the reg in such a demonic yet powerful way? Because the reg said the government could lock you up and throw away the key, and they did not even have to prove you were sick in order to do it!!! You read that right, folks. No proof needed. They could use this power, “[w]henever appropriate to control the spread of a highly contagious communicable disease…” - and it didn’t even have to be a declared state of emergency! They could employ this unimaginable power over you any day of the week, for any reason. By the way, this was not a COVID19 specific reg. Nope. There was a laundry list of “highly contagious communicable diseases” that would trigger their totalitarian rule. Sure C19 was on the list, but so were things such as Lyme disease, toxic shock syndrome, and botulism (ie food poisoning)!! Can someone draw me a diagram explaining how those are highly contagious?
< I could go on (trust me, there’s more to the insanity), but I’ll skip to my point now, though I’ll suggest you peruse my past Substacks if you want more details on the quarantine camp lawsuit. >
So, I sued Gov Hochul and her DOH on the basis of breach of separation of powers, and I won in July 2022. Then the Attorney General appealed my win (because dictators don’t like to be told no), and the NYS Appellate Division court reversed my win and tossed my case claiming my plaintiffs had no standing. Truly disgraceful. That brought us to the end of 2023. In January of 2024, I filed my appeal with the State’s highest court, the Court of Appeals. In May, that Court dismissed my appeal saying there was no constitutional issue at hand (even though there is). So, I filed a motion asking the high Court to hear the case on its own volition, because it’s good for humanity to preserve the Constitution, and all that. I have yet to receive the Court’s decision, still 6 months later.
Before I move on, for those of you saying we need to give the government the power to quarantine the sick to protect the rest of us, I refer you to our 70 year old quarantine law that was passed by our NYS Legislature in 1953, and which has many due process protections built into it. Of note, Hochul’s quarantine regulation was in direct conflict with our law. Governors cannot make rules that conflict with laws. That is unconstitutional. Here’s the trial court judge’s decision striking down the reg in 2022. The reg itself is at the end of the judge’s decision. I suggest you read it. And then share it.
Moving on to gerrymandered Congressional Districts…
Simultaneously while dealing with my ongoing quarantine lawsuit saga, I also took up the fight against unconstitutional gerrymandered Congressional districts in 2024 in order to help keep the radical Dems from illegally gaining control of the House of Representatives in Congress.
You can find background information and more detail in one of my prior articles, but the gist of it was that the power-hungry politicians were trying to manipulate and dilute your vote by illegally trying to re-draw the Congressional maps for the 2024 election. The bird’s eye view is this…
Here in New York, we re-draw (or re-district) our voting map lines every 10 years in accordance with the census. The census last occurred in 2020, and we re-drew the maps in accordance therewith in 2021/2022. After not following proper procedure, the super-majority Democrat-lead NYS Legislature drew maps in violation of the Constitution. They were sued, and their maps were thrown out by the Court of Appeals. Those maps were supposed to stay in place until the next census in 2030.
But, the corrupt Albany elite politicians brought a lawsuit in 2023 to try to get another bite of the apple. You see, the party in charge (the Dems/DCCC) didn’t like the fact that they lost five seats to the Republicans in the 2022 election, because that resulted in the House of Representatives in Congress going from Dem-controlled to now Republican- controlled. Uh oh! We can’t have that, can we? I mean it’s not enough that the US Senate, and the White House, and the Attorney General’s office are all controlled by Democrats. No, no. They need to control the House of Representatives too! They want one-party rule on steroids (just like we have here in New York state). When one party has total control, they go totally out of control! To get a better understanding of how toxic one-party rule has been here in New York these past 5 years, take a look at my article I wrote about it earlier this year.
Interestingly, the trial court that heard this blatant power-grab case ruled against the Democrats and said they couldn’t get another bite at the apple. So, of course, the Dems appealed, and the Appellate Division Third Department reversed that lower court decision and said the maps would have to be re-drawn for the 2024 election! That decision was appealed to the Court of Appeals, and that’s when I got involved - not on the legal battle side, but on the PR side. While the court case was being fought in the high Court, I started fighting in the court of public opinion. These obstinate politicians were illegally trying to change our Congressional maps, the stakes were too high, so I helped form an organization called Stop NY Corruption, of which I am the spokeswoman, and I teamed up with former Congressman Lee Zeldin (also former gubernatorial candidate who almost beat Hochul in 2022) to fight back.
To raise awareness about this crucial issue, Lee and I undertook a whirlwind press conference tour that brought us all over the State holding press conferences in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany and NYC. You can watch our Rochester press conference here.
Ultimately the court case was lost, and the Court of Appeals gave the Dems permission to illegally redraw the Congressional maps. Truly a disgrace. However, Congressman Zeldin and I we were successful in our PR campaign such that, even though the Dems were unconstitutionally given permission to redraw the maps in February of this year, they basically kept them the same! They didn’t want to end up in yet another year of litigation, which is what we promised if they moved forward with their gerrymandering scheme to illegally take back the House of Representatives.
Last, but by no means least, was the fight over Prop 1…
Simultaneously while fighting the Governor over quarantine camps, and fighting the DCCC over illegal gerrymandering to try to retake the House, 2024 also found me fighting against the unconstitutional Prop 1 which the Dems tried to tag as the “Equal Rights Amendment” though it was anything but. Instead, it was a Trojan Horse of the most epic proportions. They insisted you had to vote for their “Equal Rights Amendment,” to preserve your right to an abortion. However, in reality, it was the greatest hoax on a citizenry that a government could try to pull, for they are not trying to protect you, they are trying to take your rights away from you and shift the power to them. This was a massive power grab by these radical politicians who wanted you to vote for this thing so that they could, in one fell swoop, weaken parents’ rights and destroy the family unit, give non-citizens the same rights as New Yorkers, abolish girls’ sports and women’s spaces, and pass laws and regs that will allow them (the government) to discriminate against you as long as it’s done in the name of “correcting” past discrimination.
And so, I launched an organization called Vote NO on Prop One Committee, that worked hard to educate New Yorkers that Prop One is a Trojan Horse, that needed to be voted down. I criss-crossed the State giving speeches, doing town halls, doing radio and podcast interviews, and I again teamed up with Congressman Lee Zeldin to do press conferences to alert voters to the dangers of Prop 1. My X account was littered with anti-Prop 1 posts for months leading up to the election. Below are just a couple of such posts:
Despite my, and my organization’s, (and many others’) best efforts, we were not able to inform enough voters in time, and Prop 1 passed by 56% of the vote. As I wrote in my post-election Substack article, Here’s What Happened With Prop 1 in New York, this is a lesson in the power of the deceit that comes from our politicians and from our media, for I am confident that if most of the almost 4.5 million New Yorkers who voted for it (or the 669,826 who left it blank) actually knew what Prop 1 really was about, they would have voted against it. New Yorkers were deceived by the politicians that run Albany who campaigned on the false pretenses of abortion. In reality, abortion has been legal in NYS for over half a century (even prior to the famed Roe v. Wade SCOTUS decision). The fear mongering that Prop 1 was needed to preserve abortion rights was cynical, left-wing propaganda.
You can get further details about Prop 1 and our fight to defeat it in several of my prior Substack articles, the most widely read of which can be found here and here and here.
Entering 2025…
As we peer forward now into 2025, I am certain we will see the effects of Prop 1 creeping into our lives, and we may see the reemergence of the quarantine camp lawsuit saga. No matter what the new year brings, we must remain steadfast in our focus on freedom, preservation of our Constitution, and the pursuit of returning the power to We The People from a runaway government that has gone much too far, for far too long.
We must also be thankful and count our blessings going forward. Despite suffering the most tragic loss of my life this year with the death of my beloved mentor and one of my closest confidants and friends, my father Robert J. Flower, I remain grateful for much. My father taught me many things, not the least of which is to be humble. He also taught me the benefits of helping others, because it’s the right thing to do. Those pivotal lawsuits I am/have been undertaking the past couple of years, I am doing pro bono, which means it’s free for all of you, but very costly to me. All of the interviews and the public speaking I do across the State, I do pro bono. The rallies, press conferences, town halls, etc. that I speak at are all done pro bono. I’m not doing all of this work pro bono because I have millions of dollars in my bank account - far from it! I’m doing it because it needs to be done. Because our future and our children’s futures depend upon it. And because it’s the right thing to do.
So, I am grateful to my father for shaping me into who I am today. I am grateful to the Brownstone Institute where I have been a Fellow since 2023, through 2024, and I will be again now in 2025. Brownstone ’s support is simply amazing for me, as it is not only monetary, it is also mentally and emotionally formative, as the bond Brownstone Fellows, writers and scholars share is truly unique and helps foster my work and progress. I am also so grateful to my donors, large and small, without whom I would not be able to continue my work for We The People. Your donations are so very much appreciated, whether made through my website at or through the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports my work, the Foundation for Constitutional Preservation and Advancement, I am so thankful to you all. It is an honor to fight for our freedoms.
Let us look forward to a new year, and let us remember the words of the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, who said:
If you do not take an interest in the affairs of government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools.
- Plato
Stay informed. Stay engaged. Stay free.
God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.
You always inspire. May you have great success in 2025, and encouragement from those you serve so courageously. Thank you!
Thank you for all you have done and will be doing. I believe the scripture tells us that “nothing is impossible with God”. God’s presence was invited when the Mayflower Compact was written and His presence is needed now. Our country needs a spiritual rebirth. We have seriously lost our way. May God bless 2025!