The prying open of locked doors to dark rooms, letting in the sunlight of disclosure is validating what we suspected all along. The reaction of entrenched politicians is quite expected and satisfying.

With Progressives defending corruption and Leticia James taking the lead protecting the corrupt class; is it any surprise that President Trump canceled her (and Alvin Bragg's) security clearance and banned her from secure Federal buildings?

She should have focused on prosecuting violent criminals and criminal gangs.

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The democRat Party is a violent criminal gang. Of course it wouldn't be possible without quisling rinoRats feeding at the same Grub&Mint trough. Found this on the Health Ranger's substack .... a little song, comrades :-)


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Yes, AG James is a disgrace! We need to make sure that she is gone in 2026 along with Hochul! I see you are in WNY. Me too! We need to take back NY. Uniting NYS is working to do just that! Please sign up for Uniting NYS's newsletter. They inform NYers of issues and give action items. They will be forming teams across the state to vote these progressives out in 2026. Please sign up for the newsletter on their website. www.UnitingNYS.com

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I am recieving the Uniting NYS newsletter. I'm a member of CCNYS since the beginning when SCOPE split up.

We need to stay in communication with each other to form a coalition of Taxpaying Citizen Voters dedicated to holding the politicritters accountable to US.

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Awesome Tom! I know Nancie, she is a great leader. I agree with you. Let's keep in touch so we can #TakeBackNY!

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Imagine how much is spent on ( in no particular order) offices, office chairs, stationery, computers, looooong breakfast lunch & dinners, all types of credit cards, electricity bills, gas bills, wages, overtime payments, conferences, hiring of conferences, flowers for the foyer, paintings for the foyer/boardroom, flights, car fleet(s), free insurances, workers compensation, superannuation, liquor, early retirement payouts, ex gratia payouts, sick leave, removalists, paper shredding companies, ( they like that one) televisions, video recorders, biscuits, lollies, chocolates, sports tickets, private boxes to various sports, paying out for "gifts" & so much more. Blow up the gravy 🚂's.

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all made even more absurd when you consider that only roughly 6% of all federal employees actually have to GO to an office 5 days a week!

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The bureaucracy is a racket...bureaucrats are probably the most despicable individuals among any population. They get in this racket because they do not have to do any real work, they cannot easily get fired and they are guaranteed a pension. Plus they can exercise power and authority on the rest of us, enforce inane rules and generally make our lives miserable, erecting roadblocks every time we try to move forward.

They are basically malevolent, mediocre, unintelligent individuals whose main obsession is to block everyone else from getting anywhere.

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We the People need to end the racket! Uniting NYS is working to remove these people who are too comfortable abusing the system. Sign up for their newsletter here: www.UnitingNYS.com

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Thank you for the link!

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It is so wrong that they abuse the system! We should not put up with this anymore! If you live in NYS, Uniting NYS is working to fix New York and take back our state. Please sign up for their newsletter so you can follow what they are doing. www.UnitingNYS.com

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Bobbie Anne, my disgust over the judiciary knows no bounds as you know. Every day I am re-enacting the scene from The Exorcist in my own life...

I used to just blame politics, but I think what we are learning, and as your article points out, is that these are actually evil people doing evil things because they can. I used to chalk it up to incompetence, but I am moving away from that. I think that is just what they wanted us to believe.

But here is a question that you could discuss better than most: What exactly do we do NOW? Elections are too far away for some of these dreadful governors who will then appoint the judges that might be of help 20 years from now. And most judges themselves are not elected which means death is too far away for them to leave that way.

Pitchforks and torches? Or, more practically, why should Trump pay ANY attention to an idiot like this? Biden didn't pay attention to the Supremes -- what are they going to do if Trump pays no attention to this idiot judge (I know, excess words)? You think Bondi will launch a suit against him? Has the time come to stand the judiciary on its head? Can the Executive ask the Supremes for a ruling on the Unitary Executive that would pre-empt all of these ridiculous TROs which will come daily forever?

There is a lot of concern out there that the judiciary only has one function which is to stop corruption in the government from ever being uncovered and remedied. I am hearing this continuously these days. People in both parties want something done -- clearly this is just corruption squared.

So write a piece if you would telling us how, IN SHORT ORDER, we make these people go away. Otherwise, I expect people will start to get very, very upset in unhealthy ways.

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George Soros is The Don of The One World Government Mafia controlling The CIA (until now)… with NO code of honor and not enough brains or grit to enforce their illegal orders.

There’s a new Sheriff in DC. Captain America & The Avengers are dismantling the evil doers at a speed none of us even thought possible until now.

If the rogue Judges think they are going to stop them with unconstitutional rulings, they are only the first ones who will FAFO.

They just raised their hands to make it easier to identify them. Who wants to be next?

Tom Homan, DHS “Border Czar” said today: Sanctuary Cities who broke the law to interfere with the capture by assisting in the escape are going to pay. Stand by.

President Trump is going to use IRS agents to assist in locating and arresting the criminals as well.

This battle is only just beginning. Buckle up. You haven’t seen anything yet (well, compared to what’s coming). Im here for it.

Keep the faith. God is in charge. 🙏🇺🇸

“You can deny reality. But you cannot deny the consequences of denying reality.” - Ayn Rand

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Good question! We the People allowed this to get this bad over the years with our lack of involvement. Now that we are aware, it will take years to fix the messed-up system. We should NEVER give up! Uniting NYS has been working hard for years to fix the mess in NY. We cannot do it alone. We need help! Please sign up for our newsletter and encourage others to do so. We can work together to fix the corruption. Sign up here: www.UnitingNYS.com

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"Start" to get upset similarly to the ..... Gasp!!! Founders ??? OMG!!!

" .... when in the course of human events ...."

1775 (2025) Happened Before even the Founding politicians caught up in July of 1776.

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It began with the creation of the Federal Reserve. That's where we need an audit.

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Except that the Fereral Reserve is a private company and not a government agency .

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though CONgress can authorize an Audit, as the Congress authorized the Feral Reserve Banksters in the first place. I'm not holding my breath.

France had a very Nasty Revolution due to Financial Disaster. Either We/Me/You insist CONgress do its job Now or it ain't going to be pretty. history rhymes

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Well this morning we read that the Fed Reserve is going to be audited. So we shall see what happens. Maybe the suspension of the Constitution in 1913 will be overturned. I think you are correct there will be a fight but the Trump Team appears to be up for it. The whole system needs over turning. And that is world wide not just the US. Canada is the worst....I live here so I know!

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Today I believe they announced Ron Paul will be in charge of that 😁 no joke.

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Welp ... "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such"

Nobody seems to get this. I'm still surprised you don't have any of your lawyer buddies in your corner and you seem to be doing this all alone. But now you can see why they want everybody quarantined. All that money is going into somebody's private pocket before it even reaches the so-called reason it was put out there for.

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If you believe our government is there to protect us and defend our rights, your history teacher failed you.

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I would just like to say as a Canadian that I wish we yhad our own DOGE! Perhaps I will suggest it to Pierre Poilirevre. Also I cannot believe there could be over a million NGO's in the USA alone! How are there that many causes that need financial support ?Could it be that USAID employees have set up their own NGO's to receive funds? There are many now complaining about their names coming forward publicly. Of course when there are studies such as 'Shrimp on a Treadmill' or studies of transgender animals there could be over a million mad idea NGO's. How does an animal become transgender anyway? I thought it involved hormone therapy and surgery? OMG! What kind of world is this?

And I think, in closing, the US Government should request all of the $$$ back from Canadian Universities!

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What kind of world is this? Basically, it is hell. It is a world turned upside down, where the mutilation of minor children and the brutal eradication of their natural gender is called "gender affirming care", as one blatant example.

Some believe that the world is under the control of satanists and luciferians. That is a possibility, if we remember than satanism is about reversing everything, causing everything to be upside-down and inside-out, calling good evil and evil good.

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Well, you are correct about everything being upside-down and backwards. That's how I got through the last 5 chaotic years. I did everything the opposite of what was being pushed. The idiot box remains dark.

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I agree...and I haven't owned a television in the last 25 years...it helps to keep the mind clear!

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And all it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing when evil happens. Time for all of us to step up.

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"We are raised to believe that our government is there to protect us, help us, nurture our rights and freedoms."

This has been a major roadblock in opening the eyes of Americans. When you were born in a foreign country, it is much easier to be objective and face reality, and look at unpleasant facts, because such reality does not threaten your sense of identity. To see that a government is corrupt and hostile to the population it is mandated to serve does not shatter your sense of self.

Americans have invested an inordinate and unhealthy amount of emotional energy into closing their eyes to the rotten reality of a corrupt and often law-breaking government,a government that does not represent and serve them but serves its monstrous, unaccountable, secretive and paralyzing bureaucracy, and the military-industrial/corporate/Big Pharma-technocratic-Wall street complex. Consequently they have become docile and compliant sheep easily led to slaughter, as the Covid operation demonstrated.

Finally waking up can be painful, especially if you lack a strong psychological and spiritual foundation, but it must happen. I am glad it is finally happening, better late than never.

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NYS wasn’t always this way. There was a time that The Empire State led the Country in freedom and free enterprise, before The UniParty of career politicians selling us out to globalist CRONY (fake) Capitalist Big Corporations with their own corrupt tax code bought and paid for.

The trouble is we the people let the love of money become our false god, eclipsing the true source of freedom from our Creator.

We are born (created) with free will, by Natural Law from Nature’s Creator, and by extension our individual rights and responsibility that’s goes with it.

We can bitch and complain about “them” all we want, but freedom comes from within and it starts with each and every one of us, one day at a time.

Evil rules by fear. Faith conquers fear. Faith doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything, it means you are not afraid to do anything.

“Live free or die” is not a slogan. It is the Truth. Life is short, eternity lasts forever. Choose wisely.

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Faith conquers fear, yes, and yes to everything you wrote!

Fear is also a call to develop courage. Without fear, courage would not exist...but courage is like a muscle, it must be exercised to develop and grow within each one of us. Unfortunately, courage is not longed valued or honored, except perhaps in the military, law enforcement and fire brigades.

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I'm glad that DOGE is addressing waste and corruption.

USAID is used to do regime change operations all over the world. The DEI stuff is a political distraction.

However, they're ignoring the biggest corrupt waste in the military industrial complex.

Trillions of dollars disappear and the DOD has failed every single audit they ran.


Musk is unsuitable for this because he has a conflict of interest as he is a military contractor under SpaceX.

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Not being ignored at all, DOD is on the list probably being done right now. All of it is being looked at. Elon risked everything including his life to stand for freedom. How many with that much money would do that? He has said he will not participate in anything that is a conflict of interest and he has a team of the smartest people doing the work. A little gratitude maybe?

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Musk is probably one of the Very Few contractors giving Value for money spent !!!

Throw out the baby with the waste water much???

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Actually, he's just doing what Lockheed Martin did with NASA.

They had vertical landing rockets decades ago.

It's just a change of contractor and they still get the big bucks like all military contractors do.

If they wanted it to be efficient, it should be run by NASA who can contract out the manufacturing and development instead of paying space X or Lockheed Martin which add profit margins and waste that funnels up to their owners and shareholders.

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NASA is a wasteful Boondoogle, typical of GrubMint. I sure didn’t see any of those Vertial landing rockets Decades Ago.

Lockheed Martin, Boeing, sheesh

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They are wasteful.

But they all are.

That's why we pay so much for junk like the F35 which is less reliable than the Russian and Chinese jets.

Russia and China run it more like a national utility. They hire the contractors when needed and contract out manufacturing.

There's no waste of profit going to executives and shareholders of the corporations.

Why do we need private companies to run the show? Do we need overpaid tech or military contractor executives to do these projects? Do we need to sacrifice returns on the altar of wall Street?

Without them, there would be more money for workers and higher quality materials.

Why do we need the "lords" of corporations to make money when they add little to nothing to the production?

I apply the same thing to insurance, whether it be for housing, healthcare, disability etc. Private insurance companies make money on you. When many need to collect like in North Carolina or California, they try to weasel out of paying, in order to keep their shareholders making money.

That's like you paying your mortgage for a decade or more and then one day the bank saying that they decided that you didn't pay enough.

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Rob, do you think government bureaucracy is efficient? Elon just said we are going to be able to cut the budget in half, by $1 trillion. And we are seeing the spending every day now. The Government Mafia is “family & friends all you can eat buffet” on taxpayers’ dime. Not what I would call efficient.

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Of course not but having a corrupt government that hires a corrupt corporation has 2x the corruption.

Why do we need private interests to drive industry when the government can do it?

That's why Russia and China have much cheaper military equipment, that's also easier for anyone to work on.

No corporations are allowed to restrict their own repairs.

Meanwhile in the USA, farmers are fighting John Deere as they make their software fail the equipment if not taken to a John Deere dealer.

Monopolies might as well just be government in that case... Why do we need to pay a tech bro to do it for us when we can pay the skilled people directly.

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Thank you again. I REALLY value your opinion and information. ( I am an appreciative contributor ).

Will New York ever get free of leftist insanity?

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I believe it is possible to fix New York but it will take a lot of work. Uniting NYS is working hard to #TakeBackNY. Please sign up for the newsletter and learn how you can help fix New York. www.UnitingNYS.com Also, help us by telling others to sign up. Thanks!

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Leticia James is banned from federal buildings ;-) next take her license & discover NYSUCS was never ratified lol I love this timeline

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100 percent correct HOWEVER as Michael Yon in the Darien Gap reports the assisted flow of illegals orchestrated by US government and UN CONTINUES.

I don’t believe the corruption has ended, we are merely seeing a turf war and a new faction of which DJT is frontman is taking over.

DOGE is like a Bretton Woods moment, Musk et al are structuring deals that would personally benefit insiders and their families for millennia.

That said, at least for now, I would rather live under a DJT regime than a Soros regime.

Remember, DJT had to make major concessions to be ALLOWED to win.

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Just frightening....all of it...but yes I have the same dooming thoughts. Those at the top will never give up, give in or go away!

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Boy oh boy the brainwashing by MSM in NYS is truly impressive, I will give team evil that much credit. No wonder NYS is such a wreck!

Trump endured 4 years of torture for him and his family of weaponized DOJ, a damned large part of it coming from NYS I might add. Not to mention assassination attempts that only demonstrate the hand of God sparing his life to do what he was chosen to do IMHO.

Trump 2.0 is a changed man. He is fully aware, and focused, on the job at hand.

The power of prayer is great! 🙏🇺🇸

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So glad You Know the inside workings of DJT and the Deep Satan Statists !!!

Also, btw NGO's have been Cut Off.

A current report from Michael Yon on the NGO's activities in Panama would be interesting.

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Dear Bobby Ann, I have known this Truth about our government since 2012. Our government is completely corrupt and criminal. And yes, it was a shock to come to this realization in September 2012. Yet, it is not only the US government, however, there is really only ONE government, which controls the world. It is the Globalist Elites, which make up about 1% of the world’s population. The only way that 99% of the world’s population can be controlled by only 1%, is if the 99% allow it. Honestly, it’s just that simple. When the 99% say “No More” game over. Here’s the good News, many millions are waking up and seeing the corruption since 2020. More and more people are waking up daily. It only takes a small percentage of the population to wake up to save all of humanity. It only takes 5% of the world’s population to wake up. 5% is 5 times more than 1%. Humanity’s Great Awakening is at hand, and Humanity WINS!

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I've lived my whole life thinking my government was created with lots of agencies to look out for it's citizens and maybe there was some corruption here and there, but it was isolated. Even my own Gen Z kids were more cynical when they informed me 7 years ago that Europe's food standards were higher than USA's because they didn't allow known cancer causing color additives, and I replied that the FDA's job was to keep our food safe.

So now I feel like a stupid child, a grown, 60-something adult discovering that everything is a lie. It's like an episode of the Twilight Zone but you're that poor sucker waking up to discover you're trapped in a different reality. Very sad.

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Bobbie Anne, I think you are wonderful and extremely smart! Thank you for all you do.

Have you heard anything about the Loy Brunson Supreme Court case? Has it made it to the Supreme? I thought this might really help us, but it seems to have lost all its traction!

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in the meantime, I have to take out a loan to get $6k in very necessary plumbing repairs to our 100+ yr old modest, working-class neighborhood home. but damn, at least those trans critters get 7 figures in funding. what. in. the. actual. F****?!

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And Ukraine got billions while we have to navigate potholes in our streets in California...while people are still living in tents and freezing in the south east...while a lithium batteries fire in California is threatening the people's health and the food supply and we don't hear a peep from the corrupt CIA-controlled corporate media, because it would cause people to question the green agenda, which is a con job.

The whole system has been corrupt and rotten to the core for decades. It is one of the most corrupt in the world, because this nation is one of the richest and consequently offers that many more tempting opportunities for corruption.

I am glad many Americans are finally opening their eyes. But it took a person born in another country (Elon Musk, South Africa) to expose the rot.

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