One of the most common questions I get when I’m doing an interview, or during a Q&A session after one of my speeches, or when participating in a panel discussion, etc., is:
Somebody needs to start a campaign to make sure your governor does not get another term.. She is definitely in the WEF.. She gave the owner of the Bills a billionaire, billions in subsidies of tax payer money to build a new stadium.. Of course the internment camps, now she wants to charge a $9.00 toll for the business district in NY.. She is a dictator that needs to be overthrown, protested against and voted out of office.. She should also be outed and told that the citizens of NY know you are working and hold allegiance to a puppet master, and do not represent NY, but a hidden organization.. Vote Her OUT.. Vote Her Out!!!!
A vote for her is a vote against yourself and every New Yorker and every American and every soldier and veteran who has fought on foreign soil to defend this country and have died for this country.. Your governor is a traitor and serves a master not in New York but on foreign soil.. She serves an EVIL master who wants to destroy this country and the world... Your fight and your front and your war is in New York, defeat her and you defeat the enemy.. She serves the WEF.. We have to defeat them in every state.. Every Soros DA, every Pritzker Transgender, every Bill Gates paid off doctor and medical and pHARMACEUTICAL minion. Every government minion must be outed and defeated, they deserve no quarter, no civility and no respect, they are all mass murderers..
I already confirmed my email address. I am good.. Thanks again.. I do not want that dictator working for the WEF back in office to do more damage for her puppet masters..
Exactly! That is what Uniting NYS is doing. We want our legislators to know we are watching them. Please join us and sign up for our newsletter:
Yes, people are sick and tired of this, but what have they done to stop it? I see lots of people complain but there are not many willing to get involved to change NY. Please tell people to help Uniting NYS #TakeBackNY. Help us by getting people to sign up for our newsletter at
Are other states and governors entertaining the internment quarantine camps? Or is it just New York?
I think the first order of priority is to end the property tax that doesn't exist. This way we have jurisdiction over our property. Do you want to make America great? End the property tax that doesn't exist. Because right now they can come on to your property and take your property at gunpoint under some pretext of law.
I think this internment camp nonsense was a litmus test to see how far people would go or not go.
That's precisely why our founders required that those seeking to hold public office would acknowledge a belief in God, the Holy Scriptures and the idea of eternal rewards and punishment. And that's why I always ask aspiring candidates for office, "What do you think of our national motto and how would that influence your governing philosophy?" You'd be amazed at the response...or maybe not.
"If their duty, their honor, their oaths will not bind them let us not put into their hands our liberty and all our other great interest." [Governeur Morris - Author of the Preamble] Morris did not mince words during the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 and his warning remains essential today. Politicians across the spectrum routinely violate their oaths to the Constitution, and rarely, if ever, face accountability. The founders recognized that the ultimate responsiblity for holding officials accountable rests with the people. Government- run schools and mainstream narratives often obscure this truth, promoting the illusion that only the government can check its own power. "When the government fails to protect the people against robbers, kidnappers, ravishers and murderers (The Jabfather's deathshots), it is not only a legal right, but an imperative moral duty, of the people to take their mutual defence into their own hands. And the Constitution recognizes this right when it declares that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed," "for the right of the people to keep and bear arms" implies their right to use them when necessary for their protection." [Lysander Spooner] The Righty's Vs. Lefty's Uniparty charade is an orchestrated scheme that would have the people believe we just need to vote a little harder next time... better luck next time. It's not the Right vs. Left - it's the State Vs. You. Right or Left - they're just two wings of the same demon. Write to our Congressman - gimme a break... let's talk about it honey. "Discussion can do nothing to prevent the enactment, or procure the repeal, of unjust laws, unless it be understood that the discussion is to be followed by resistance. Tyrants care nothing for discussions that are to end only in discussion. Discussions, which do not interfere with the enforcement of their laws, are but idle wind to them. Suffrage is equally powerfless and unreliable. It can be exercised only periodically; and the tyranny must at least be borne until the time for suffrage comes." [Spooner]
You are all over it as usual Bobbie Anne! We have to stay Vigilant and involved... set daily goals.. 3 contacts a day to our Representatives.. vote the Crooks out... if their voting record reflects corruption..
I thought term limits were good until I heard how the Koch brothers preferred new congresspeople because it's cheaper to buy a new one than feed these dinosaurs.
Anyway, it's great to see these senile and demented people pretend to be sane. Why? Because people are seeing it.
When the people finally realize that the whole system is rigged, things can change.
Don’t you ever come to Long Island to speak being that you live in NYC? People need more exposure to “who” you are on Long Island. Just my thought. And then I can come.
How much $$$$ is needed to run for office? A local Congress person last election had 8 million in his coffer... his opponent had 150k. Who won? Take a guess.
A presidential candidate blew thru 2.5 billion...billion..!!! And lost!
Why are these amounts necessary to run for PUBLIC office? Korporates write checks.....we vote.
Term limits....and public funding....and a 2 month window to run for office...not years. But who will approve this? Not the fat cats who feed of this trough ...irregardless of political party.
Bobbie Anne is an awesome attorney! We (Uniting NYS) appreciate her fighting for NYers. We are helping her #TakeBackNY. Would you be willing to help us by signing up for our newsletter here: and sharing it with others. We will be working hard over the next 2 years to vote the Governor out and stop the one-party rule.
I miss the good old days when government just ignored us, the people, and served the elites exclusively. Then the government turned against us and did all it could, at the state (I live in California under another despicable governor) and federal levels, to break us financially, implementing policies that devastated us like a never-ending storm, consistently, wave after wave and without a break, from the lockdowns to inflation, rising interest rates, rising property taxes, rising home insurance, rising car insurance, rising electrical bills, etc...
But that's the problem with being governed by arrogant millionaires...they are not affected by their destructive policies and despise the populace, what they consider to be the riffraff, the deplorable. You might notice that the only politician who seems not to despise us, the people, is Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is a business woman from the working class, not the exclusive ivy league club. She might lack the polish of the elites, who are all sophisticated liars and thieves, but she has the necessary backbone and she is genuine.
it seems we were supposed to have a militia. That militia was intended to be able to remove the current government by any means necessary when it started working for the country's most successful criminals which is the case right now. But a long time ago that was misunderstood, and we now have a standing army. Tin soldiers and Nixon coming. We need to form militias. When the government tries to do things like put people out of their homes because they couldn't pay a small and unconstitutional tax after the debt was sold to criminals, and those people have 8 days to file complicated papers or they lose their equity as well? When that becomes normal for our government, we need to raise the stakes. Whoever participates in this sort of crime needs to run up against large groups of armed citizens who will try to peacefully make them understand that they'd best go somewhere else. If these so-called government employees who actually work for the hidden clients of the Rothschild Bank don't take the hint, then they need to be dealt with. We can try one time to capture them and let the hague deal with them. If we don't like the result that the hague offers, too bad for the hague, we'll be done with them. We won't get anywhere without being ready to resist the government with arms. The founders knew this and they wrote it into the original documents which created the united states. If we do it, I think we'd find that the police forces will suddenly realize that trying to hurt the public to keep their pension is not the right thing to do. Anything less than this reaction can not work. Let's take the founders' advice. If we don't, we will be slaves forever to the Rothschilds' clients.
Join "Convention of States." (COS.) Sign their petitions. Work with your state governments to ratify (? Not sure that's the right word.) the convention of states. 34 states are needed to call a convention. 19 have already passed the bill. Do NOT believe people that try and say they want to rewrite the Constitution. They don't.
There's a second group working on just term limits. I can't think of the name of that group at this second. Join that group and sign their petitions.
did you see above how some of the biggest corrupters stated publicly that they like the idea of term limits because it costs less to corrupt the new guy than the guy who's been there. Remember the quote something like this...
An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.
According to Langworthy, one of the biggest impediments to the effort in New York remains the state's Green Light Law, which prohibits federal agents from accessing the state’s DMV data base and bars state agencies and local police from sharing certain information with immigration authorities.
“This law is incredibly unfair, incredibly dangerous, and is downright idiotic,” said Langworthy. “And Governor Hochul has put every New York citizen and law enforcement officer at risk with this asinine policy."
Somebody needs to start a campaign to make sure your governor does not get another term.. She is definitely in the WEF.. She gave the owner of the Bills a billionaire, billions in subsidies of tax payer money to build a new stadium.. Of course the internment camps, now she wants to charge a $9.00 toll for the business district in NY.. She is a dictator that needs to be overthrown, protested against and voted out of office.. She should also be outed and told that the citizens of NY know you are working and hold allegiance to a puppet master, and do not represent NY, but a hidden organization.. Vote Her OUT.. Vote Her Out!!!!
I am not voting for her
A vote for her is a vote against yourself and every New Yorker and every American and every soldier and veteran who has fought on foreign soil to defend this country and have died for this country.. Your governor is a traitor and serves a master not in New York but on foreign soil.. She serves an EVIL master who wants to destroy this country and the world... Your fight and your front and your war is in New York, defeat her and you defeat the enemy.. She serves the WEF.. We have to defeat them in every state.. Every Soros DA, every Pritzker Transgender, every Bill Gates paid off doctor and medical and pHARMACEUTICAL minion. Every government minion must be outed and defeated, they deserve no quarter, no civility and no respect, they are all mass murderers..
YES! Uniting NYS is working on one. Please help us! You can sign up for our newsletter for updates and how you can help.
Thanks will share the link and I just signed up..
Awesome! Thank you! Check your junk mail too. Sometimes it goes there.
I already confirmed my email address. I am good.. Thanks again.. I do not want that dictator working for the WEF back in office to do more damage for her puppet masters..
Yeah! Let's fix this mess!
When they know people are watching, and uniting, they sit up straight and take notice...or shrivel away into the woodwork and disappear. ;-)
Exactly! That is what Uniting NYS is doing. We want our legislators to know we are watching them. Please join us and sign up for our newsletter:
I live in the Pacific NW, but will sign up to follow your group...
Awesome! Thanks! If you know any New Yorkers, please share with them.
It seems like none of this has worked previously.
People are beyond, sick, beyond tired, and are starting to realize there are very few options left. None of them peaceful, diplomatic, or surprising.
I wonder if we shouldn't bring back tar and feathers.
Not sure that’ll do it. It would be great television, however.
Yes, people are sick and tired of this, but what have they done to stop it? I see lots of people complain but there are not many willing to get involved to change NY. Please tell people to help Uniting NYS #TakeBackNY. Help us by getting people to sign up for our newsletter at
Are other states and governors entertaining the internment quarantine camps? Or is it just New York?
I think the first order of priority is to end the property tax that doesn't exist. This way we have jurisdiction over our property. Do you want to make America great? End the property tax that doesn't exist. Because right now they can come on to your property and take your property at gunpoint under some pretext of law.
I think this internment camp nonsense was a litmus test to see how far people would go or not go.
That's precisely why our founders required that those seeking to hold public office would acknowledge a belief in God, the Holy Scriptures and the idea of eternal rewards and punishment. And that's why I always ask aspiring candidates for office, "What do you think of our national motto and how would that influence your governing philosophy?" You'd be amazed at the response...or maybe not.
Interpretations of what the word of god says is the issue.
For example, some evangelicals in power believe that bringing about the destruction of the middle east will bring back their Lord and Savior.
So, in their minds they're following the word of god and doing their duty for the scripture.
But we know that is insane.
"If their duty, their honor, their oaths will not bind them let us not put into their hands our liberty and all our other great interest." [Governeur Morris - Author of the Preamble] Morris did not mince words during the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 and his warning remains essential today. Politicians across the spectrum routinely violate their oaths to the Constitution, and rarely, if ever, face accountability. The founders recognized that the ultimate responsiblity for holding officials accountable rests with the people. Government- run schools and mainstream narratives often obscure this truth, promoting the illusion that only the government can check its own power. "When the government fails to protect the people against robbers, kidnappers, ravishers and murderers (The Jabfather's deathshots), it is not only a legal right, but an imperative moral duty, of the people to take their mutual defence into their own hands. And the Constitution recognizes this right when it declares that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed," "for the right of the people to keep and bear arms" implies their right to use them when necessary for their protection." [Lysander Spooner] The Righty's Vs. Lefty's Uniparty charade is an orchestrated scheme that would have the people believe we just need to vote a little harder next time... better luck next time. It's not the Right vs. Left - it's the State Vs. You. Right or Left - they're just two wings of the same demon. Write to our Congressman - gimme a break... let's talk about it honey. "Discussion can do nothing to prevent the enactment, or procure the repeal, of unjust laws, unless it be understood that the discussion is to be followed by resistance. Tyrants care nothing for discussions that are to end only in discussion. Discussions, which do not interfere with the enforcement of their laws, are but idle wind to them. Suffrage is equally powerfless and unreliable. It can be exercised only periodically; and the tyranny must at least be borne until the time for suffrage comes." [Spooner]
great quote, great comment.
You are all over it as usual Bobbie Anne! We have to stay Vigilant and involved... set daily goals.. 3 contacts a day to our Representatives.. vote the Crooks out... if their voting record reflects corruption..
Yes, all branches are compromised.
I thought term limits were good until I heard how the Koch brothers preferred new congresspeople because it's cheaper to buy a new one than feed these dinosaurs.
Anyway, it's great to see these senile and demented people pretend to be sane. Why? Because people are seeing it.
When the people finally realize that the whole system is rigged, things can change.
Well said!
But its good to be aware of whats really going on:
Organizational Chart, Bank for International Settlements Kill Box
Organizational chart by Iain Davis, author of Pseudopandemic and What is the Global Public-Private Partnership (G3P)?
Don’t you ever come to Long Island to speak being that you live in NYC? People need more exposure to “who” you are on Long Island. Just my thought. And then I can come.
All valid points....however....
How much $$$$ is needed to run for office? A local Congress person last election had 8 million in his coffer... his opponent had 150k. Who won? Take a guess.
A presidential candidate blew thru 2.5 billion...billion..!!! And lost!
Why are these amounts necessary to run for PUBLIC office? Korporates write checks.....we vote.
Term limits....and public funding....and a 2 month window to run for office...not years. But who will approve this? Not the fat cats who feed of this trough ...irregardless of political party.
Amen excellent work
Bobbie Anne is an awesome attorney! We (Uniting NYS) appreciate her fighting for NYers. We are helping her #TakeBackNY. Would you be willing to help us by signing up for our newsletter here: and sharing it with others. We will be working hard over the next 2 years to vote the Governor out and stop the one-party rule.
I miss the good old days when government just ignored us, the people, and served the elites exclusively. Then the government turned against us and did all it could, at the state (I live in California under another despicable governor) and federal levels, to break us financially, implementing policies that devastated us like a never-ending storm, consistently, wave after wave and without a break, from the lockdowns to inflation, rising interest rates, rising property taxes, rising home insurance, rising car insurance, rising electrical bills, etc...
But that's the problem with being governed by arrogant millionaires...they are not affected by their destructive policies and despise the populace, what they consider to be the riffraff, the deplorable. You might notice that the only politician who seems not to despise us, the people, is Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is a business woman from the working class, not the exclusive ivy league club. She might lack the polish of the elites, who are all sophisticated liars and thieves, but she has the necessary backbone and she is genuine.
that's riff-raff. I know because I was a big fan of underdog in the 1960s.
the "elites" all seem to be suffering from a carence in high-speed elemental lead.
Thanks, I corrected it...I did not mean the "rifting raft"!
it seems we were supposed to have a militia. That militia was intended to be able to remove the current government by any means necessary when it started working for the country's most successful criminals which is the case right now. But a long time ago that was misunderstood, and we now have a standing army. Tin soldiers and Nixon coming. We need to form militias. When the government tries to do things like put people out of their homes because they couldn't pay a small and unconstitutional tax after the debt was sold to criminals, and those people have 8 days to file complicated papers or they lose their equity as well? When that becomes normal for our government, we need to raise the stakes. Whoever participates in this sort of crime needs to run up against large groups of armed citizens who will try to peacefully make them understand that they'd best go somewhere else. If these so-called government employees who actually work for the hidden clients of the Rothschild Bank don't take the hint, then they need to be dealt with. We can try one time to capture them and let the hague deal with them. If we don't like the result that the hague offers, too bad for the hague, we'll be done with them. We won't get anywhere without being ready to resist the government with arms. The founders knew this and they wrote it into the original documents which created the united states. If we do it, I think we'd find that the police forces will suddenly realize that trying to hurt the public to keep their pension is not the right thing to do. Anything less than this reaction can not work. Let's take the founders' advice. If we don't, we will be slaves forever to the Rothschilds' clients.
Join "Convention of States." (COS.) Sign their petitions. Work with your state governments to ratify (? Not sure that's the right word.) the convention of states. 34 states are needed to call a convention. 19 have already passed the bill. Do NOT believe people that try and say they want to rewrite the Constitution. They don't.
There's a second group working on just term limits. I can't think of the name of that group at this second. Join that group and sign their petitions.
did you see above how some of the biggest corrupters stated publicly that they like the idea of term limits because it costs less to corrupt the new guy than the guy who's been there. Remember the quote something like this...
An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.
Simon Cameron
According to Langworthy, one of the biggest impediments to the effort in New York remains the state's Green Light Law, which prohibits federal agents from accessing the state’s DMV data base and bars state agencies and local police from sharing certain information with immigration authorities.
“This law is incredibly unfair, incredibly dangerous, and is downright idiotic,” said Langworthy. “And Governor Hochul has put every New York citizen and law enforcement officer at risk with this asinine policy."
America Deserves Justice: