One of the most common questions I get when I’m doing an interview, or during a Q&A session after one of my speeches, or when participating in a panel discussion, etc., is:
“How can we hold the government accountable for what they’ve done/are doing to us?”
Not surprisingly, Americans want not just answers as to the government’s despicable actions, but we want accountability as well. These past few years we’ve suffered tremendously under our federal, state and local governments. They have unleashed upon us their unprecedented and catastrophic open border policy that is ushering into our country illegal, deadly drugs that are killing our youth and destroying families in the process, that is straining our limited resources so heavily it’s pushing many cities and states to near bankruptcy, that is causing sharp increases in crimes including those of the most horrific kinds (like rapes, murders and more), and introducing illnesses and diseases we’ve never seen or had previously eradicated. Then there are the COVID-era atrocities of unconstitutional lockdowns, school closures, forced masking, forced testing, forced vaxxing, and every other despicably totalitarian thing that went along with it. Of course we want accountability. It’s human nature. It would be unnatural if we didn’t want to punish those who broke laws, defied our Constitution, injured our loved ones, and devastated our nation’s economic, safety and social well-being.
My answer to that popular question may surprise some. Most people hear the word “accountability” and think of lawsuits or jail. But those are not the only means by which one can punish government actors for their sins, and quite frankly, those two methods are the least likely way to achieve accountability. Why? Well, as for jailing members of our out-of-control government, only criminal law enforcement attorneys can bring criminal charges against people. Who are those attorneys? They are the lawyers who work for the government, for example the District Attorneys, or the Attorneys General. A private, civil attorney like myself cannot sue a criminal in the name of the government. Doesn’t work that way. And when you have a twisted, unconstitutionally inclined executive branch, like we do here in New York State as well as on the federal level the past 4 years, they certainly will not enforce our laws. So jail is not an option. Not until you vote out the criminal-loving elected officials and replace them with law-abiding, constitutionally inclined citizens. (By the way, do you think the despotic politicians who are in control [all of whom are Democrats here in NYS] want law and order, and a happy, prosperous citizenry? Or do you think it suits them better to have frightened citizens who fear not just the criminals on the streets, but those in office as well? Hint: it’s much easier to control people when they are frightened and broke).
As for using lawsuits as a means to achieve accountability, lawsuits can be a good tool in some instances, but they are not the sole or even the best answer. Why not? Because lawsuits take time (weeks or months just to prepare, and then months or years to litigate), they require lawyers who are willing to stand up and go against the grain (a very rare commodity, especially here in New York), and they take money - lots of money! Why are lawsuits so costly? Because of the immense amount of time they take to properly execute, and defend. I’ll give you a real-life example in my quarantine camp lawsuit against New York’s despotic Governor, Kathy Hochul… This case started in March of 2022 and it’s still going on almost three years later! In just one of the Attorney General’s many briefs (and there have been many briefs written over the past few years that I’m working on this lawsuit), they cite to about 40 cases. That means I had to find, pull, read and then analyze every single one of those cases, and then I had to write in my responsive brief an explanation to the court as to why each of those cases was not appropriate (or was misquoted) by the Attorney General, in addition to arguing my own points of law as well, of course. We aren’t talking hundreds of hours on a case as it winds its way through our court system, we are talking thousands of hours. I am handling this quarantine case pro bono, but that is very rare, and it’s also not sustainable. Attorneys have bills to pay and mouths to feed, just like everyone else does. (For more details on my quarantine camp lawsuit, you can read some of my prior articles on it here and here. If you’re interested in supporting my quarantine case, please do so here).
So what is the answer regarding how to hold the derelict government actors accountable?
I’ve said it a thousand times, and I’ll say it again now…
Everybody really needs to know what is going on, get informed, stay informed, and get involved. It’s not about left or right, it’s not about being a Democrat or a Republican or an Independent or a Liberal or a Conservative, it’s about being an American, and having your voice heard in the lawmaking process, and holding the politicians accountable. The time for being apolitical has gone!
Every day, you have the opportunity to hold the lawmakers accountable, you just have to make the time and speak up! Remember, they work for us. We don’t work for them. The power lies with We The People, and they know it. You doubt that’s true? Well, this notion was recently confirmed by a sitting U.S. Senator who attended a Brownstone Institute private retreat. As you likely know, I am a Fellow at Brownstone and as such I attend their events, private and public alike. At the Brownstone retreats we abide by the Chatham House Rules, and as such I cannot share with you which U.S. Senator it was, but I can share what was said. In essence, this Senator confirmed my long-espoused talking point referenced above… the notion that the elected officials do not wield the power, but that we (the citizenry) are the ones in control, is totally true. Politicians heel to our wants. They do as we tell them because they know we have the power to fire them, and none of them want to get fired. Think about it - if you got to live off the people and earn a 6-figure salary, endless perks, cushy benefits, a title, and everything soup to nuts paid for by everyone else’s taxes, would you give it up?! I doubt it. They know they are only as good as their next election race. They know that they have no power unless WE give it to them. That’s the beauty of how our system works.
Well, at least that’s how it is supposed to work. So what happens? How does it all go awry? Well, when the people don’t stay engaged, don’t stay informed, and don’t let these politicians see/hear from them, then they (the politicians) run wild with drunken power. They overstep. They take more than they are allowed. Because it’s human nature! When the cat is away, the mice will play. Note that “away” is not just literally speaking, it’s figuratively speaking as well. If you don’t make the effort to be “present”, to be informed and engaged, the politicians will run wild. Fact.
People need to stop voting blindly. And it’s your job to help me wake them up. I would venture to say that the large majority of voters are basically unconscious when they vote. Who just goes and votes down party line, or votes for someone because a friend asked them to, or votes for the name that they saw more often on a lawn sign, TV ad or radio ad, etc… No research done, no voting record checked, no campaign material read. We know this is how millions of voters work because the proof is in the pudding. Just look at the many members of Congress today who have been there for decades. Life-long careers living off We The People, and yet, how exactly have they made your life better? This list is my no means exhaustive, but take a look at some of these Congressmen:
Chuck Schumer 40+ years
Chuck Grassley 40+ years
Mitch McConnell 40+ years
Nancy Pelosi 40+ years
Hal Rogers 40+ years
Chris Smith 40+ years
The list goes on and on. Yes, we desperately need term limits. But we can only get them if we get involved! The swamp creatures certainly won’t vote to term limit themselves.
Everyone can do something… and you should!
Getting that accountability you desire isn’t that difficult. Here are a number of things you can do:
Send an email or a handwritten letter to your representatives and voice your opinions/wants/needs.
Make a phone call to them, and even if you do not get them on the phone personally, leave a message, or speak to one of their staffers.
Help get elected into office people who appreciate the Constitution and will defend/uphold it.
Get involved with an organization that is already in the fight, standing up for our rights and the Constitution. Here in New York, Uniting NYS is one such organization. It’s one of my plaintiffs in my quarantine lawsuit.
Donate to one of these organizations that are bringing lawsuits against the tyranny and fighting for that accountability you seek. Or support one of the lawsuits directly. You can support my quarantine lawsuit here.
Come to an in-person event, and bring a friend! I’m constantly speaking at events, summits, conferences, etc. I’ll be speaking at one in Albany next week on January 14th. Why not join me?! Other speakers include Del Bigtree, Mary Holland, John Gilmore, Tricia Lindsay and more. I did an interview on CHD TV earlier today about the event. You can watch that here. (I’m on at about 17:30 mark).
The moral of the story seems clear, folks. We can't just sit by the sidelines anymore, eating popcorn and enjoying (or not) the show. Nor can we stick our heads in the sand and let the winds blow us in whatever direction that comes. Everybody needs to get involved. Otherwise, we will wake up one day, and we will have no rights. If you follow my Substack, then you’ll know that it’s already happening. For those who think the change in administration will fix everything, you’re in for an unpleasant surprise. The Trump Administration will undoubtedly try to reverse much of the horrendous damage Biden/Harris did to our country, but the swamp is deep. You can bet the swamp creatures will be gunning to block the good work that many members of the new administration and new Congress will be doing. The responsibility still rests on our shoulders. Not theirs. Nobody will ride in on a white horse and fix everything with the stroke of a pen. We must all be engaged and involved.
Let us make that our joint 2025 New Year’s resolution, shall we?
You can start by following me on Social Media… for there is strength in numbers:
On Substack…
On Twitter… @Attorney_Cox
On Instagram
Somebody needs to start a campaign to make sure your governor does not get another term.. She is definitely in the WEF.. She gave the owner of the Bills a billionaire, billions in subsidies of tax payer money to build a new stadium.. Of course the internment camps, now she wants to charge a $9.00 toll for the business district in NY.. She is a dictator that needs to be overthrown, protested against and voted out of office.. She should also be outed and told that the citizens of NY know you are working and hold allegiance to a puppet master, and do not represent NY, but a hidden organization.. Vote Her OUT.. Vote Her Out!!!!
When they know people are watching, and uniting, they sit up straight and take notice...or shrivel away into the woodwork and disappear. ;-)