Jul 21Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

Paper ballots, photo ID.

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The ballots all or any Soros funded internet machines must be destroyed. Two forms of id must be verified. Proof that you live in a home where you are voting with a paid utility bill in your name (renters must show proof of paid rent to a landlord and not be squatters)

Machines that are not capable of sending votes to overseas sources ( ie Germany)to be counted.

Was there a problem with the old machines with a curtain you pulled and them turn down the little piece indicating your vote?

Paper ballots can be faked or never counted unless they come up with a secure no internet access

All mail in or early voting allowed unless your military overseas

When Election Day is over ballots are counted clearly picking a winner without recourse of days and days of late or uncounted ballots for ANY reason

Deadline is a deadline. It’s either done deal or doesn’t count.

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All good points. I should admit that my term "paper ballots" was sloppy and I meant "physical" ballots that can be recounted in event of challenge.

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like back when they shot JFK?

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His shooting wasn't over the mechanics of the election, but there were certainly rumors of election fraud in his win over Nixon.

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Jul 21Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

Very astute analysis. I became ashamed of my chosen career during the challenges to the 2020 results, when not one single court had the nerve to hear the case before it. No way to call it except abject cowardice, and that's why we are where we are today.

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Amoral, materialistic society given over to its passions

Turn back to God

People can hate the message but the fruits are manifest

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Jul 21Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox


I have been ranting about all hand marked and hand counted paper ballots and paper poll books for years as the only way to have election integrity.

Mail in absentee ballots will always be needed for the minority of overseas and disabled voters.

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Why does everyone forget what we learned during Bush?

The propietary closed source voting machines are easily corruptible by the company. How hard is it to have the companies rig the votes? Not hard at all.

But Trump obsessed over mail in votes and illegals voting and pretending like these shitty voting machines are ok.

The Republicans did talk about voting machines getting hacked in the past, but why hack when the company can do it easily?

Naive America.

"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."

Emma Goldman

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Jul 27Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

Well, I did not watch the opening ceremony from the Olympics, but I did watch several outtakes on X/Twitter. I guess, it’s encouraging to know, that the entire establishment of world leadership, is going to hell in a handbasket, and it’s not just the US. I guess and anyway it’s nice to know that we’re not alone, I’m sure a large proportion of the same people in Europe, also viewed that as unacceptable.

25 years ago, a friend of mine, a man who had travel to 100 countries and spoken six languages, told me that the United States was the last hope for the world. Time, it seems, has more and more proven him right.

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No matter who you vote for, it is seen as tacit consent to be genocided. This is how they do it.

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Jul 21Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

So not voting accomplishes what exactly? If you don’t vote they won’t “genocide” you? With all due respect, I don’t think it works that way. If you really believe genocide is “their” goal, they’re not just going to skip over non—voters. It’s undeniable that life is better under some candidates than others from an economic perspective, a safety perspective, cultural perspective, etc. So, until there are no recognizable differences between candidates, I will continue to vote.

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Amen. Voting is the answer. You can't change election laws until you win control of the state legislatures.

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We should only be voting for the president... period. But instead we have additional local races, initiatives, and referendums that litter the ballot plus many of the initiatives are purposefully designed to lure certain voters to cast their vote. India, the world’s largest democracy, takes 6 weeks to determine their President but we want results within 5 minutes of the last polls closing.

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Jul 22Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

Since we don't just vote for a president, every American age 18 and up needs to be informed and an engaged citizen. If everyone paid attention to what their representatives did and voted, we would not have all these extra things you are talking about. It is up to us to stop these power-hungry people with our voices and votes. I agree with you that we should not rush to have the election results. They should take their time and count the votes correctly.

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Jul 23Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

Completely agree... the degree of awareness is shockingly low in most people under 40. Sure, they can nail-it in their small circle of knowledge but ask them to step outside their comfort zone... forget it. My son has a PhD in math and he really is a math savant but ask him to tie a tie and he has a deep stare as if I just sang “Stairway to Heaven” in Swahili.

Get him in a voting booth with the plethora of decisions to be made and he might as well flip a coin.

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I completely agree despite not being a Trump voter, voters who want to vote for him should be able to to. However, nothing less is being done to keep RFK Jr off the ballot and the demonization is so complete that the left who could have a viable candidate cannot even bring themselves to consider they may be lied to. State by state laws are enacted to stop him from being on the ballot.

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Electronic voting machine fraud is known since a long time. I don't understand why it is still being used and legal. It should be banned. It should be only Paper ballot hand counted.

US Lab Says Electronic Voting Machines Easy to Hack 3:08 min


America's Voting Machines Are Extremely Vulnerable to Hacking 5:13 min


Why Electronic Voting is a BAD Idea - Computerphile 8:20 min


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Bobbie Anne, Jay Valentine of Omega Four Substack raises a serious Presidential election issue.

The issue is thousands of Democrat aligned NGO’s are using some of the millions of illegal immigrant votes to outright steal the election no matter how popular Trump gets.

He argues persuasively that his company using fractal technology (which I understand are relational databases combined with artificial intelligence ) can rapidly compare the mail in ballot addresses to the actual physical addresses stored in real property databases.

This would demonstrate in near real time ( vs lawsuits settled 10 years down the road ) that the 100 “registered voters” all reside in a 7-11 store or abandoned lot.

Valentine is either legitimate in which case his technology is deserving of a test run or he is a merciless huckster.

Do you know anyone in the Trump campaign or for that matter the state of NY and its election security?

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I'm not an attorney, but isn't this interference even worse as it's "under color of law"? Such as using government powers for election interference, not just private citizens with their limited abilities interfering.

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Beautifully and clearly put. I had similar thoughts but not so clearly formed until I read this. It is still amazing to me what the establishment is able to steamroll through, one obvious untruth/injustice after another. It was obvious to me at about 1:00 AM after the 2020 election what the Dems were doing. The absurd overnight massive Biden voting should have made it obvious to everyone, but it clearly didn't. Blinded by the making of Trump into "two minutes hate" a la 1984. Of course buttressed by the J6 Lawfare tyranny.

I hope, for once, that the SCOTUS has the cojones to address this and not throw it out on "standing", which you addressed so well in an earlier post. Another good topic is the (mis)use of gag orders, which the Left has been doing for quite a while. When they had the Wisconsin recall of the Democrat Governor, they did police state tactics against some of his opponents, then forced gag orders on them to conceal the crimes. I am curious how they can get away with this.

Dr. William Makis's substack has a video about Ottawa police constable Helen Gus, that just posted on 7/21/24. All people interested in the abuses of Lawfare should listen. Her "crime" was investigating the deaths of 9 babies of vaccinated mothers; she hadn't even reached any conclusions before they went after her. A large number of abuses are chronicled in the video. One of them is another Lawfare tactic I'd like to know more about: denying defendants the right to put on the type of defense they wish to present, and/or the denial of allowing the defense to call the witnesses of their choosing. One of 5 defense witnesses denied was Dr. James Thorpe. Readers of this blog surely know what he would have told the court about the C19 vax and pregnancies...

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Texas filed a lawsuit against Pennsylvania for violating the state’s election laws. The stance Texas took was... if PA cheating alters the election results, the state of Texas is harmed since Texas is required to accept the outcome of an illegal activity while Texas played by the rules. SCOTUS didn’t review the case because Texas didn’t have standing in a state issue. The illegal move by PA was in regards to the Fedderman v Dr. Oz senate race. Was SCOTUS’ decision based on that a senate election is state regulated and that a presidential election is national? Thanks

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SCOTUS didn't want to hear the case, so they copped out with a bogus standing excuse. No other reason than that, IMO.

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“to bolster Biden’s campaign”

And just like that, the AI groomer dropped out of the race. Good riddance

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You are you are right, it would seem as though the judges were in on the corruption. Can you say conspiracy?

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Selection. Why is anyone concerned about elections. It's like attaching a leash to the collar they gave us in '20.

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