Look at what's happening in London: police are arresting people for online comments that the government labels as hate speech. Meanwhile, as English men are being handcuffed and detained, Muslim individuals are assaulting them with no apparent response from the police.

This is coming to a slum city near you in the US soon.

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I believe the British are going after Americans for comments they don’t like or agree with!

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they may try. let 'em try. come and get us...

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You can be sure President Harris (check out the "misinformation" stance of Walz if you really want to see his leadership in censorship) will have you arrested and shipped over. On what basis will you resist your threat to worldwide peace and mah democracy?

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if you are directing that question to me, I don't quite understand what you are asking? are you saying that you believe that as VP, Walz will be able to singlehandedly subvert our Constitution, to the point that any/all citizens that express any/all dissent, will be allowed to be charged with crimes by another government??

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Not particularly, WM. My point is that they already stated (yesterday) that the UK intended to extradite Americans who posted social media they do not like. Whereas the US generally frowns on this, Walz had no trouble suppressing dissent in Minnesota during the scamdemic -- so his stripes are clearly visible. I just do not expect an administration led by those two to do anything but agree with the UK and, just as likely, enforce similar restrictions in the US. Hell...they already did if you follow any of the Schellenberger/Taibbi Twitter sojourn. They have demonstrated a virtual complete disregard for the First Amendment. And the entire censorship apparatus, a Democrat construction, completely agrees with them.

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Keep in mind that if you travel to Mexico or France and are detained, you could be sent to the UK to await trial in jail. Unlike the US, European countries can arrest and hold you in prison without formal charges.

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Which is why it is best to avoid slum cities.

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RemovedAug 12
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if thousands upon thousands DARE them to 'come get us', it just plain ain't gonna happen. if the majority are sufficiently cowed into self-censoring, then they win, just as easily. frack that. I say scream from the roof tops. I know I will be.

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Thank you for all you say, do, and write to help us all. As a Canadian, so much of what you say also, sadly applies to our nation as well. Sometimes it feels hopeless, but that is what THEY want. We have to keep our vibrations high no matter what, and keep using our voices. Miss Bobbie Ann, I believe you are earning your Angel Wings. May God continue to bless and protect you. :)

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Thank you, Attorney Cox, for your fearlessness and tenacity in fighting for liberty. Your readers should recognize that in November they can also choose to vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Independent candidate for President, who will be on the ballot in all 50 states and DC. He has addressed issues (corporate capture, censorship, decimation of the middle class, forever wars, the epidemic of chronic disease in children, staggering national debt, the Border crisis....) which the other candidates are not talking about. Having prevailed in his lawsuits against the alphabet agencies over the past 40 years, and passionate about freedom, he is uniquely qualified to lead the USA out of crisis.

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Correct. Mr Kennedy is thus-far, the only valid candidate on the presidential ticket. The other "candidates" are hand picked corporate shills for the pharmaceutical/military complex. Thank you for posting.

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well I see that he's fooled you. He's as bad as the others, just not as stupid. In any case, none of them would be real executives of the usa. They can only be puppets. And if Robert were to get himself elected and betray his handlers and owners, he'd end up just like his father and some other chump would be in jail for the rest of his life who had nothing to do with the murder.

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macDuff - Well Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is not like you. He is not hiding his identity like you are doing now with your ugly comment about him.

I am following Robert F Kennedy Jr for at least fourteen years. I found out at that time that he was defending children against the horrific list of vaccination that they received at birth and after. The problem, the BIgParma Mafia.

I was also doing that on FB at that time. I was also writing against Monsanto, GMO, Hillary Clinton supporting GMO etc

RFK Jr created after that Children's Health Defense. He also sued Monsanto.

He walk the talk.

Where were you all of you in 2009?

Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up: Apr 25, 2009


Part 2: Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Present Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Apr 25, 2009


Welcome to The Defender • Children's Health Defense



¨Environmental lawyer, the son of the late U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy and nephew President John F. Kennedy, and his team have won a historic case claiming the product likely caused the cancer of their client.

Environmental lawyer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. son of the late U.S. Senator, Robert F. (“Bobby”) Kennedy and nephew of the late President, John F. Kennedy, and his team, have won an historic $290 million landmark case against agricultural giant Monsanto and its glyphosate-based product “Round-up” claiming the product likely caused the cancer of their client, plaintiff Dewayne Johnson a former school groundskeeper.¨Read More


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Trump gave few billions $ to the BigPharma to develop this killer shots. He still even bragged saying that if there are 200 millions vaccinated americans, it is because of him.

He knows that vaccines are bad. Kids are not horses do you remember? Robert F. Kennedy Jr met him at the beginning of his mandate as President but he let him down.

His Tramemark - motto is ¨You're fired! Why didn't he fire Dr. Mengel - Fauci?

Yes he is bright. He his a showman. He says what people want to hear. He has a big mouth. He looks tough but is he really? NO! He plays on both side and for his ego.

Robert Kennedy Jr. Blows Whistle On Pfizer Donating $1 Million To Trump Inaugural


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your first phrase is dead wrong. They had these killer shots waiting for several years for the opportunity to be created. If you had done any research you'd know that. You're not wrong that he probably caused more money from the taxpaying sucker to go into the pockets of these genocidal pigs, but the fake vaccines had already been developed.

Why do you think trump is bright? Would somebody bright really go bankrupt six times having one of two casino licenses within 1000 miles of New York City?

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I guess you're new at this or just wilfully persistently ignorant. I could find more examples than you given of him exposing who he really is, but it'd be wasted on you because your mind is closed to it. I feel sorry for you that you are among the brainwashed masses. There is likely no hope for you. As it has been said, the problem with being extremely stupid is that nothing can be done for you.

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I"m banished on other substack accounts. So the censorship is here too. Maybe you should be duplicating your work here on a url that you own. I've been banished by substack for mentioning that there is massive evidence of our gov't officials having committed and continuing to commit every day crimes against humanity. Further I suggested that our gov't would be too corrupt for this to ever see the corrupt int'l law system if it exists, so that to see any int'l justice for(against?) these int'l criminals who are our (s)elected officials and their hidden bosses who own almost all property on Earth we'd need to round them up ourselves and hang them from the nearest tree. I guess that those who wrote "international law" weren't realistic enough to give their rules any teeth. You are playing the role of Don Quixote. The vast majority of human beings are being run by their enemy with fear as the main tool. The human being who is irrationally scared is incapable of making any intelligent decision. The masses will line up for the fake bird flu vaccine believing it will protect them from the fake bird flu virus. Even if they were to read what John Enders wrote shortly before being awarded a Nobel prize for an experiment which was not science, they'd stilll line up for their fake vaccines.

Mr. Enders wrote that he had the same result with both the variable and the constant and that that would need to be looked at again.

It wasn't.

70 years ago Nobel prizes were awarded for experiments which would have one repeating tenth grade in the 1970s.

I doubt things have gotten better or stayed the same since then.

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Thank you, BobbieAnn Cox for all you are doing to once again defeat Hochel and James in court. I live in PA and know How goes NYS, so goes PA and the nation!

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Yes, you are so right about how this could spread into your state and across the nation. If you would like to keep up with issues facing NY and our nation, please sign up for Uniting NYS's weekly newsletter here: www.unitingnys.com Also, if you are able, please consider supporting our Attorney: https://give.cornerstone.cc/coxlawyers

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This article portrays exactly how I felt In Brasil in 2020 and to this day: speaking into the void. I'm a psichoanalyst and neither my colleagues listened to me. Expelled from Twitter/X, where I received an aggressive email shortly after the purchase by Elon Musk when I tried to reopen my account: “Your account will never be reopened and if you try with another name or VPN we will know and cancel it”. At least 12 of my videos on the topics of COVID/VACCINES were removed and continue to be removed from youtube. Brasil's censorship canceled Rumble where I have some videos (opens only with VPN). We have a different constitutional situation as far as we don't have those amendments that guarantee our rights. We are not in a real democracy nowadays. I'm grateful to you for your fight and you may count on me to spread your articles and newsletter in my Country, translating them, if permitted.

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You're right that Jacobson didn't give those powers.

Even if it did, it would only allow for a civil penalty - a fine.

But why are lawyers fighting whether Jacobson applies for the shot with an argument that it's not effective?

Why are they not merely saying the truth, that Jacobson was only a civil fine, not loss of freedoms as school and work mandates?

I suppose even the lawyers are so brainwashed that they think mandates are legal because of Jacobson without looking at the key detail, it's just a fine!

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am I banished?

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

This is a GREAT topic and one we all need to understand. I must admit I took for granted our freedom of speech for a long, long time. Until 2020 rolled around and I saw people being blacklisted, de-platformed, slandered, etc. for TELLING THE TRUTH.

I first came across Mike Benz on a conservative blog site. Later Tucker Carlson interviewed him. And then many others dug deeper. MUST WATCH stuff just so you can see the origin, how it works, who runs it, etc. Anyway the Trump/Russiagate collusion hoax gave them the legal reason/precedence to start doing this. And YUP, it has become BIG business ever since. And yup it is your favorite alphabet agency that runs it.


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Aug 19·edited Aug 19

The American Spirit still lives. In AL where I spent COVID, some people locked themselves down and some have done themselves lasting harm because of their own fear, but for many, life continued almost as normal. "Mask mandates" were quietly disobeyed and no one had the will enforce them. Stores stayed open, albeit with the ridiculous fear-mongering signage out front, and people still shopped, though they made sure to look cautious about it. People knew it was crap. I'd even say, *most* people knew it was crap. The people who kept it going were the crazy liberal menopausal women in their 50s who happened to have some kind of administrative power in whatever job they worked. No one else really cared. Despite the censorship, there are still many people who choose to believe their own eyes. There's hope.

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I am confused and don't understand! Here and many other Substacks I have subscribed to because there is no other place one can receive and share this level of factual truth with fellow Americans and is so absolutely critical to our very survival as a nation. I am very grateful to all who take the time to investigate, research and compile the data and resources they share. However, my confusion and lack of understanding is due to many of you having selected certain portions of the aforementioned very critical data, etc. for paying subscribers only, and if I understand correctly, other levels of participation and involvement in the saving our country. This seems very counterproductive and I do understand that in these times a financial assist of any sort is helpful, but we all have much at stake and to lose.

I am disabled, as is my wife, and what we both receive for such is very difficult to simply pay rent, basic monthly bills and eat two meals a day. I know it has to be hard for everyone, but I still can't help but feel that the number of people who are being limited as to knowledge and what they otherwise may be able to offer or accomplish is quite high. From this its not a huge leap to imagine how this might be effecting all our chances at saving our very existence as Americans, and logically this then leads one to question if this combined exclusionary effect (No DEI) might be enough that it will compromise our ability to save ourselves. I don't mean to be accusatory, disrespectful or to make you feel less than in any way, but I am in my sixties now and nearly all of my family has served going back to the civil war and so I have this very profound perspective that was shaped in growing up and experiencing a very "All hands on deck" when its mission critical. The relentless level of infiltration, alternative types of aggression and lately a complete disregard of our constitution, laws and way of life with our own people and agencies turning on us and using our trust to kill and injure millions!

Its just crazy, we gotta do everything we can do to stop them dividing us. I know my perspective is probably considered a bit extreme and that's not wrong, but we do have only one chance to get this right and make it work!

Again, don't mean to offend and I know everyone's got "stuff" going on and so just want to share some thoughts and fears. I'm not asking everyone to forego paying subscriptions. Not my place. Just wanted to let everyone know maybe something they're not aware, maybe take a look at their Stacks, maybe there's a few that would serve everyone better being on the non-paying side, or both sides even! I don't want to be the guy with regrets and doubts about having done enough!

Thanks for listening, Bobbie Anne and huge thanks for NY and all you're still doing! (The links to the NY court files, etc. is what made me decide to share!) Hoping you and yours are well and sane!

Oh, and I'm not demanding or expecting an answer, lol! But a good conversation is always cool! ;-)

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Capitol research center com search DARPA AI

Influencewatch.org search DARPA AI all information feeds through AI which will soon be every aspect of news social political markets defense satellites etc

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“Flattering the curve” was (even at the time) the most ridiculous thought. Flattening meant the problem would persist longer... not shorter. Wikipedia provides a image which is completely and purposefully misleading, I say purposefully because nobody who can remember their log-on is that stupid. We were told that it would be the saviour of us all but all it was to allow the virus to percolate longer and screw up the economy. There was never any evidence that this had worked or would work with a virus.

It would be interesting if lawsuits were filed against those who made this mandatory. There were no other options, there was never an end-game or any measurable goal. As an aside, remember when Fauci said we needed 65% of the national population to be immunized until we reached herd immunity? Then when we attained 65% it was changed to 75%, then 80% and finally... here immunity is a myth.

... and yet, there are those who continue to make the excuse “... this was new and we are learning as we go.” Methodologies don’t need to be re-invented every time a virus occurs (this is why we have methods, procedures and baselines). We sh*tcanned what we knew and pleaded ignorance but were “required” to trust science not just any science, their science. When none of that worked, it was non-vaccinated that were killing people (think how stupid and sophomoric that sounds... how can the non-vaccinated people kill those who are vaccinated?). If you’re vaccinated you’re good, how in the world could any non-vaccinated person hurt you if you are vaccinated? If your sister, brother, wife and/or husband don’t brush their teeth... it will not cause you to have cavities.

Many of those people are still breathing and voting, I wonder which candidate they will choose?

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Hello Inverted Pyramid. You stated: "It would be interesting if lawsuits were filed against those who made this mandatory. There were no other options, there was never an end-game or any measurable goal." First of all, mandates are not laws. Mandates are dictated *policies* that rely on civil compliance. Anyone enforcing mandate policy is operating under "Color of Law". See 18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law >>> https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/242 Lawsuits are designed to pad the pockets of persons who enjoy wearing suits...

The 'legal' activities of these last four years should be met with civil Writs of Quo Warranto filed against all perpetrators involved in these Statutory criminal acts. Writs of Quo Warranto need to be submitted to ALL States Attorneys General and enforced by Constitutional County Sheriffs in appropriate jurisdictions.

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Paul V: I never knew what you posted, its intriguing and I will explore the Federal Code and what you said. I appreciate you pointing out this option.

By the way, within your point being made, you mentioned “Sheriff”. The Sheriff carries quit a lot of power. As I understand it, even the IRS is not allowed to conduct any actions against a resident in any county without obtaining permission from your county Sheriff.

Thanks again!

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Yes. County Sheriff protections from Federal overreach are an important Civil guarantee. Recent censorship of articles and redirects away from pertinent County Sheriff obligations are now rife on the internet. Seems our corporate dictatorships are afraid of the actual truth. Here are a couple of links: >>> https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/the%20county%20sheriff

Many points of reference by Judge Anna von Reitz >>> http://www.annavonreitz.com/index2.html

Also: Mandates are Not Laws 2.0 by Anna von Reitz http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/12/mandates-are-not-laws-20.html

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The government didn't lock us down. We locked ourselves down following the mainstream media's directions. Think of it like Orson Welle's War of the Worlds broadcast, when many listeners lost their minds instead of merely changing the station they were listening to. Bill Cosby made a comedy out of it with his satirical Chicken Heart routine. Humans can out-lemming lemmings with little effort.

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Dear Bobbie Anne Cox, this is a tremendously important post, and I thank you for it.

What really stands out for me is that, as we look back from 2024, those of us who know where to look (—not FB or YT of course—) can now see that many individuals did speak out early on in this tyrannical fiasco, however, it's easy to forget and, for many people, perhaps not even recognize the fact that when these individuals spoke out in 2020-2022, they were unaware of the others. They truly stood alone. Many took viscious pushback, as well. It took tremendous, but tremendous courage.

In 2020 and 2021 I knew something was terribly wrong but I was almost entirely isolated in a sea of True Believers. So I can relate to what you wrote:

"Nobody was listening to any of us. And we didn’t know one another at that point. Nor did we know how to find one another, or even if each other existed at all! The censorship was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. (I’m not exactly sure that thickness has lessened any these past few years. It’s disputable, indeed, but that’s a story for another day)."

I do not doubt that many others here in the comments section could say the same. Now, however, I am not only aware of the very large number of censored and shadow-banned videos, I am also aware of many medical freedom organizations that have sprung up (and under my legal name, I support a number of them).

I am US citizen and you betcha, I will vote this November.

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They covertly developed technology for decades with tax payer fiat backless endlessly printable banker clown bucks. Recently much of this technology is becoming commercialized, and I'm talking about AI, Crypto, Nano tech and advanced wireless weaponry. You put those 4 things together and you have a recipe for a One World Order centralization take-over and it ends in sickness and death.

Period. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 CBDC's. Go directly to your killbox.

This AI centralization and communication middle-man system they've created has already taken over our entire US political, economic, communications (internet), and healthcare systems, not to mention the mainstream media and entertainment propaganda narrative hose too. It's spreading like a malware, quite literally. The gap between the average general technology sector workers knowledge of what they think exists and the various DARPA rooted advancements that currently ACTUALLY exist is about 60 years big and growing. That's just what us actual researchers know based on white papers, patents and technology regulators like the IEEE as well as contextual evidence looking at laws passed and executive orders/acts being pushed through.... and you want us to VOTE?!! Please...

They are sneaking in the backdoor now using healthcare as a Trojan horse, this is what covid-19 was for. I mean for gods sake they called it Agenda 21 in the 90's.. so they were ahead of schedule. Look up something called 'corona nano routing' and you will find out exactly what "covid" really was. It's all public information, but you have to look in the right places and read between the lines to get the full scope of the damage and corruption. You want to litigate, start in the healthcare sector (a death system of toxic petroleum based drugs and NO CURES).

They pump social media and TV media with non stop propaganda, as per usual, an utter information overload to overwhelm the senses, complete with left and right and neutral choices, which gives the consumer the illusion of being informed and having a choice. It's all an ENERGY harvest.

Your way to resolve this is to VOTE??? Are you kidding me? I voted once... and that orange mthr fker rolled out project warp speed right before he dipped out for this absolute hand puppet in office right now. So.. I ask.. who should I vote for?? who is the good politician? The left and right wings of the same flaming roman phoenix is gunna do what for us? The one that's flown very slowly in the same direction for decades. That direction being a 1 world, technocratic, transhumanist digitally economic SLAVE system. '0 Trust', look that up. These people want to be Gods. Not referring to the puppet politicians, they have NO power unless they BUY it, they take their orders from world leaders in tech industry and banking as well as various bloodlines out of Switzerland. Did you really think CERN was a "particle collider" ?? No. It's a wireless frequency transceiver and a WEAPON. Oh yea... the swiss.. "neutral" my @$$. That moniker sure did fool a lot of people for a long time, didn't it?! Don't believe me? Look up what a Helvetica is, and then ask yourself why there's a statue of one sitting out in our NYC bay. It wasn't a "gift from France", it was a statement of dominance by a very ancient and long standing set of so-called 'rulers'.

You cannot vote your way out of tyranny, they will never convict themselves and they ALL party at the same after parties. You want people to VOTE?!? LOL! It's time to wake the hell up because you are WAY behind and it shows. Or you're purposely leading people astray, I haven't figured out which one yet.

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Heh, heh... I see you've done your homework... Helvetia >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helvetia

Yes. Voting within an "Representative Democracy" is a complete sham, period. Representative Democracies only serve to represent landed gentry and owners of financial infrastructure. Swiss Confederacies allow Direct Democracy in some precincts and Cantons. For skeptical readers: Cantons of Switzerland >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantons_of_Switzerland

Thank you for commenting.

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