Mar 25Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

I am from the UK but take a deep interest in what goes on in the USA as eventually what happens to you will happen to us over here. I became aware of Bobbie Annes work from an interview she did with Chris Martenson of PEAK PROSPERITY. What a brave and courageous woman she is to fight the EVIL that has taken over Western Society. I have become a paid subscriber to give her a little financial support. It is comforting to know that there are still good people out there who will fight to retain the rights of decent people but the fight is hard and I appreciate the efforts the she and people like her are making. She is only human and there must be times when the going gets tough that her morale must get low. I am 68 years old so my life is in its final stages. I just hope I live long enough to see Good prevail and to see Dr Anthony Fauci put behind bars where he can rot for all murders he has committed over his lifetime. Keep up the good work Bobbie Anne

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no, not about changing the leadership at the top. It's about changing how we look at them. At the bottom, the people you are villifying who are jumping turnstyles have got it right and you have got it wrong. The landlords who lost their properties needed to get together and make their bankers understand that foreclosures would be met with illegal acts by the landlords which would make the bankers regret their decisions. These bankers would then risk losing their banks to the regulators who would need to be similarly threatened. This is known as "turnabout is fair play". It's not because the people at the top refer to their criminal acts as "law and order" that it is so. They are engaging in criminality to destroy what they want to destroy, so the victims and potential victims need to respond in kind. We need to get to where nobody would be foolish enough to take a government job because they'd see that their lifespan would be cut down by about 30 years. Right now they think they can't afford to quit that job since the people above them have destroyed the economy to where they won't ever find a job that pays like the one they have. They'll need to see that they won't live long enough to spend their paycheck before they do the right thing and quit that job rather than working for the criminals who are running the system. It will never work to seek justice from this corrupt system, you are saying so yourself. And you are seeing it yourself.

The psychopaths who own the leaders (who are mostly pedophiles being blackmailed by the psychopaths) are trying to push us toward a civil war. We need to give them a different sort of civil war than they are wanting. A war in which anybody who works for them will suffer and will be smarter to quit. This will surely lead to the police state that they want to impose, If so, the civil war will be the people against the police and the people against the functionaries. The people will be smart enough to avoid the police and go after the functionaries. The police they'll find will likely be at the level of the police from clockwork orange. So the functionaries will be in extreme danger from the beginning of that.

I really only see my solution or total capitulation. You are spinning your wheels. The constitution is dead and it's not coming back without some sort of revolution.

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Mar 25Liked by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox

Most Americans, myself included, have never wanted, or been to, China, North Korea or any other tyrant ruled country. Now we all live in one.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.

The population is entirely responsible for the kind of politicians (mostly criminals, anyone who violates Constitutional law is by definition a criminal) who are mandated to represent and serve the people, but do not.

Rather than blaming the criminals at the top, who have always existed and will always exist, we all need to look in the mirror and ask ourselves how we have allowed the entire system to become so corrupt.

If we do not do anything now, laws will very soon be passed that will label any criticism of any politicians "hate speech" or "terrorism" and of the government "malinformation" by a "Russian agent". They will pull all kinds of new legislations out of their asses to shut us down.

They will never stop unless we the people stop them (legally and non-violently, of course, although they deserve to be tarred and feathered).

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Good to see you well.

These same events and stomping on Constitutional Law are happening in our State of Alaska. At an alarming rate.

Would like to chat about it sometime.

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The only way to end this catch me if you can attitude is to eliminate sovereign immunity, for all public serpents, from the top to the bottom and all branches of government. No one should be immune from liability for the damage they cause, especially damage done under color of law.

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Fascinating article, and I don't disagree with you.

However, I think I was about 12 years old when I figured out that the government pretty regularly ignored the law, and had been doing so even before the ink was dry on the Constitutional parchment. (JFK's murder jarred me awake) There are notorious classic examples like Dred Scott and Korematsu, to say nothing of Guantanamo, "enhanced interrogation," the plandemic, the climate con and the various and sundry illegal wars. But there are other instances too innumerable to enumerate. (You might ask, what happened to all those treaties with the Indians?)

As soon as I realized the it was "rules for thee but not for me" I lost any feeling of obligation to obey the law. Indeed, I only obey laws when 1) they make sense or 2) the threat of punishment if I don't. This makes my relationship to the US government roughly the same as my relationship to the mafia. Indeed, it is no stretch to consider the US government just another organized crime operation.

I don't know if a mass execution of politicians would bring a sea change, but I definitely think it may be worth a discussion, and I can't off-hand see a downside to such an experiment.

Short of that, the rich will get richer, them that has will get, and the powerful will continue to get away with murder -- literally as well as figuratively. The rest of us slaves, serfs and suckers will continue to get screwed.

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Attorney Cox, I follow what's going on in NY and in fact the US, and I agree with you that what's happening is very frightening. I, for one, and as a New Yorker, am frightened by Hochul's "quarantine camp" regulation: I, or ANY New Yorker, could be subject to this monstrosity of a regulation.

I'm convinced that this "descent into darkness" is PLANNED and is being MANIPULATED by certain powerful persons & entities who would like nothing better than to have "the honor" of bringing down a country -- especially the US -- and to make billions (in their chosen currency) by doing it.

Will the November 5th ELECTIONS be sufficient to throw off this threat? Maybe -- but that's IF the Elections are HELD AT ALL and are FAIR -- and if THE FREEDOM-LOVING CITIZENS VOTE.


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British general Sir John Glubb wrote an essay after retirement on the fate of empires, maintaining that virtually without exception they fall apart after 250 years. He explains the stages they go through. You can find his essay by searching the internet, and I have a short essay about him on my substack. The 5 and 1 folks may not realize that every military veteran in the country has taken an oath to defend the Constitution with his life. They are playing with fire.

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Everything changed with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act which made it legal for our government to lie to us. Prior to that they could do what they are doing to us currently only to foreign countries. It was illegal to lie to us. So now they aren’t breaking the law so there’s no monetary or jail penalty. Now it’s the lawyering up game. That law needs to be changed!

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There needs to be some kind of real accountability added to our governments, at every level. The threat of possibly not getting re-elected in 2. 4, 6 years is not enough. The memory of too many voters is only as long as the news cycle. If a law-maker (who vows to uphold the Constitution) does draft, write, submit, or sponsor a bill that is passed and becomes law only to be found unconstitutional, they have fundamentally failed at their job and should be declared ineligible for any elected office, if not removed from office.

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I talk a lot about modelling behaviour when I discuss self-aware leadership, which is the area I am interested in. I absolutely believe that modelling the behaviour n any leadership role any context sets the tone for everybody else. Whether you are talking about executives of very large organisations, parents in families or leaders in government.

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You are quite correct on all counts.

An ignorant and greedy electorate will vote in....

Or get manipulated to fit somebody's narrative.

The failure of the educational system for the last 40 years or so is coming home to roost. I see this breakdown of governance every day. A STOP sign is not a suggestion and many more.. !

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"1 in 5" is a sad comment, but that works better when the case is steered toward a judge in the plaintiff's party. This throws the legislature into the courts. Bobbie Anne, you make the case that politics is corrupt to the core, yet you seem to have an abiding faith in the election process. So I don't know.

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"It's okay if I can get away with it" is the morally specious rationalization of all sociopaths.

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The Quarantine Camp is the SCARIEST most UNCONSTITUTIONAL piece of Nazi Legislature that we have in NY. NY Demon-rats are hell bent on destroying us and taking over our property. The Landlords cannot even kick out SQUATTERS without getting arrested or KILLED! They have been allowing criminals even migrant criminals to abuse our law enforcement and WALK AWAY flipping the bird! If things don't change it will be back to vigilante, mafia times, taking matters into our own hands. That is probably what they want, because Communism is controlling the population after implementing CHAOS! It is the book plan

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