Once people finally understand that the ''vaccine'' was NOT brought in for ''covid'' (which is a total scam,) ''covid'' was manufactured to bring in the ''vaccine,'' then all of these unconstitutional actions make perfect sense. The ''vaccine'' was not made to defeat ''covid,'' the ''vaccine'' was made to defeat you, in more ways than one. Myocarditis, GBS, and all different types of cancers are only the tip of the iceberg. The ''quarantine'' camps, in reality they are death camps, are for those pesky folks who don't want to be poisoned by injection. It's really that simple, fundamentally.
I think most of the people have had over 4 years to come to that conclusion. With the fake covid pandemic pretty much off the radar, many have gone back to sleep assuming all is well.
Unfortunately, I think you’re too optimistic. My brother was talking about a couple of co-workers and friends who are fighting cancer and likely will lose. One has racked up a lot of debt for the medical treatments.
I asked if they were jabbed. His look was one of those “What are you talking about?” He didn’t know. But some were required to get them because they work in schools. He couldn’t make the connection. Of course not, he got the jab even though I told him it was all a scam back then. I was aware that after surviving an mRNA jab, the ferrets in the experiment all died when exposed to the virus*. That they can only expose the jabbed to the virus* in animal trials.
Those who were told by family and friends that the jab was likely dangerous but took it anyway are more likely to double down that they’re right and their family and friends are wrong.
* I no longer think viruses exist. Don’t believe in germ theory. It’s practically impossible to discuss any of this without using “virus”. They just called the flu “Covid”. Just be aware that the symptoms that are used to identify a cold or the flu are actually your body’s immune system response. Taking cold medicine is literally turning down your immune system.
Actually heard RFK, Jr say that he wouldn’t get the flu vaccine. That a study showed that while it strengthened the immune system against the flu; it weakened it against a coronavirus that produces the same flu symptoms.
Did you catch that? RFK, Jr said that just because you have flu symptoms, it could be caused by something other than the flu virus. That’s how poor critical thinking skills are today. He didn’t even realize that his statement contradicted his own understanding of germ theory.
A neighbor of mine was jabbed bc Her Daughter ('First Responder" a Nurse) insisted she take it to 'save herself'... now she wears headphones so she doesn't have to hear her own raging-screams and painful weeping/crying... of course the entire neighborhood know of her hideous story - and we respect her outrage.
... the scoops are coming!...the scoops are coming! Soon enough they'll outlaw poverty - so don't worry there will be plenty of outlaws to fill the camps. Soylent Green is people!
A divorce from the state isn’t the best option. Help us help the rest of America. Long Island and Upstate don’t vote for these clowns with their totalitarian views. NYC does. We have to begin now to get them out of office in 2026.
YES! You are so right. We need to win in 2026. Are you signed up for Uniting NYS's newsletter? If not, sign up here to help #TakeBackNY: www.UnitingNYS.com
There is a federal regulation as well. Called the "shielding" approach. Every state has this sort of law or regulation ok the books now. Even Idaho and Florida.
Shame upon those judges. Shame upon them. And shame upon Governor Hochul and her minions. History will remember them.
We are in a war, and this was an important battle, but it's one of many. I appreciate all that you have done at great sacrifice, and, more than anything, I appreciate your clear speaking and your dedication to preserving our freedoms.
There are many proactive things we all can do, and it's not one-size-fits-all. Me, my focus is on my local elections, city, county, and state. I want to see more winning candidates who support no vax mandates, no mask mandates, no medical treatment mandates, and also important legal protections for citizens built into any and all quarantine regulations.
PS I hope to be able to shake your hand and tell you in person how much I appreciate all you have done— maybe at a Brownstone conference.
The members of Uniting NYS really appreciate Bobbie Anne too! Uniting NYS sends out a weekly newsletter that is loaded with great info. You can sign up here: www.unitingnys.com
Thank you-- I have been a subscriber to her excellent newsletter for a while now, and certainly I hope that anyone reading this who is not will take a look!
Blessin's yer way Bobbie Anne fer fightin' this good fight. I'd suggest that assumin' Lee Zeldin AND Elise Stefanik are both supposed ta be in the Trump Cabinet, it's high time ta reach out to them both as I believe (dare I say it) we "chews" all have a concern about bein' locked up in "camps" fer "our own good." It didn't go so well the last time...
Also, as a mama of an adult disabled (autistic) daughter with insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes and a special diet (neither of which she kin manage herself) were she separated from me in a camp she'd be dead in a week... I literally function as "her pancreas" as insulin is a life-or-death thing an' every meal or snack she eats requires it--otherwise coma or death (which happens to many TYPICAL/non-autistic diabetics without scrupulous monitoring--we call it "dead in bed"). Like Hitler they wanna round up the disabled FIRST as they are the easiest to "removed" an' arguably cost Der Schtadt the most.
This is my worst hellscape nightmare! If petitions work (do they?) I'mma ready ta sign. Please don't give up (I don't trust DJT's admin ready ta bring on AI constant surveillance) to protect us without a fight. There is (as Bobby Jr said so truthfully) nowhere to hide now, not even in an attic.
Have two grown autistic sons myself, the youngest at 20 is a level 3. My oldest is a 1 and goes to college and only listens to approved and fact-checked sources. Their future is definitely part of why I find myself here. You’re spot-on with your take and I wish you and your daughter all the best And no, it didn’t go so well last time. Yet another reason I’m here.
thanks fer writin' Maureen, yup yup same boat... mine's 22, an Aspie but none to self-sufficient) --lol also a black-and-white thinker but she ARGUES & delivers monologues ta any "sources" with which she disagrees while ignorin' all personal space an' volume which all would not go over well with the camp "counselors"/wardens. Likely she'd just panic fight-'er-flight if confronted with strict "author-i-tease" (imagine the worst of Willowbrook as far as them bein' harsh ta young people with these challenges!).
An' apart from avoidin' the jabs like the plague (who would advocate fer them in a "camp" if parents are removed from our non-neurotypical young'uns)-- there's also the concept of unfamiliar setting.
I know you'll likely git this'un--SHOWERS (ordinary ones not the WWII kind!)--lordy, it's like self-care-the-nightmare.. Hard enuf given sensory issues at HOME (water itself a challenge), but imagine in some FEMA settin'--I see a meltdown from her comin' on jus' thinkin' about it... (mine still has 'em). So may we somehow be spared ALL of this and our worst fears...as I said..."Hellscape on Earth" ..... an' I don't imagine our kids would survive it...how could they?
Wishin' you an' yer sons the best too... ALL this is harder with "kids" so challenged!
Another way to keep updated on issues that we face in NY is to sign up for Uniting NYS's newsletter. You can do that on the website: www.UnitingNYS.com
My dear woman, you are a SAINT! Thank you, Lee Zeldin, et al for all your tireless efforts. If we all unite, these evil political machines will be defeated. And if we can’t succeed, they will all be judged in damnation for an eternity.
Zeldin is responsible for this mess. Had he brought up Hochul's evil plan, he would have beaten her and made it to big to rig. Even Moderate Dems know that Hochul is a tyrant, that is why in 3 Purple Districts I oversaw, Hochul lost all 3, 2 of them by twice as many votes. If you see Lee, remind him of his horrendous blunder. There is no room for forgiveness.
THANK YOU, Bobbie Anne and THIS sentence of yours was priceless "they always wrap their biggest lies up in candy".
The courts are largely disconnected circuses, as you know.
You may have already thought of this.....and I don't know if you have the energy to do this, but how about REFILING the entire thing with DIFFERENT PLAINTIFFS?? I don't think I read in the legal decisions for your case that "with prejudice" clause, and, even if it is there somewhere, it may not apply to NEW PLAINTIFFS. Just a thought (that you may have already thought!)
On another note, the struggle against males under the guise of "trans" trying to compete in girls' school sports continues. We will be having a Guest Speaker, Dr. Liz Fedak, at our NYC MFA (Medical Freedom Alliance) on SUNDAY, February 2nd at 1:30 at 122 East 83rd Street in Manhattan. She will be speaking on the "Misnomer of 'Gender-Affirming' Care", more info Linked below. I would love to see you!
Yes, you are right. First, we have to make sure it never gets to that point. We need to be diligent and paying attention to what these tyrants are doing. Sign up for Uniting NYS's newsletter to stay informed. www.UnitingNYS.com
Can you name these seven judges? Why should they go unnamed? Again, the state is imposing a medical intervention and you have a right to refuse all medical interventions. The whole covid thing was fake. I didn't believe any of it. So everyone's going to go along with this crap?
All this Marxist communist garbage comes from the polluted mind of a Jew to suppress non jew goyim. Just like they did in Russia. Notice none of the lawyers want to go against it, they want to stick you in the camps. That tells you who's running the show. There is no Democrat there is no Republican there is the bar mitzvah association. It's only a matter of time until they will be chased down in the streets with baseball bats and I highly recommend that they be killed. To force you into a camp is a violent act and you have a right to stand up to violence. Not only do you have a right, you have a duty to. New York is so dirty and disgusting with Jewish organized crime and everybody's afraid to do or say anything about it. It's obvious the lawyers from the bar association are not here to help you. They are here to steal your property and labor.
Mustve missed it. I think it's silly to think you're going to put people in the quarantine camp. They're just asking for blood. If you have to quarantine it's best to stay home. If true, welcome to Bolshevik 2.0. people don't learn from history.
Count me in for the next round, Bobbie Anne! Just made a donation to your legal fund. Looking forward to finding creative ways to inform millions more New Yorkers about the nefarious direction our state is taking so we can turn things around ASAP!
Thank you for your support, Anne, and all of your great work.
We are definitely going to have a lot to do this year, gearing up for voting Hochul and these sick politicians in Albany OUT of office in 2026. It begins now.
Sorry to hear that New York has gone full rouge communist. All last week we heard how Trump was sticking it to the globalists...maybe on the surface, but underneath with mandates and dictates like this we are still one step away from total totalitarianism and death.
I am going to assume these are really death camps and that even locking you in your home for no reason whatsoever is also an attempt to murder you. The depopulation scheme is alive and well no matter what Trump pretends to do.
So sad and scary. With AI and mrna, bird flu, bovaer and Gates, what is going to happen next. Im afraid to get any produce at a store due to edible vaccines and sequivity in met. NY and CA are just the start ofseed planting of these sick destructive plans. We thought this was a golden beginning. Maybe just the lesser of evils.
For me, I think it’s a short reprieve of some of it. With so many of them trying to continue business as usual, it’ll be a challenge to carry forth. Other day I heard that the huge amount of executive orders ongoing now is because of mid-terms coming up in two short years; he’s trying to get b out in front in that.
Disgraceful. You are doing important work. Keep at it.
Once people finally understand that the ''vaccine'' was NOT brought in for ''covid'' (which is a total scam,) ''covid'' was manufactured to bring in the ''vaccine,'' then all of these unconstitutional actions make perfect sense. The ''vaccine'' was not made to defeat ''covid,'' the ''vaccine'' was made to defeat you, in more ways than one. Myocarditis, GBS, and all different types of cancers are only the tip of the iceberg. The ''quarantine'' camps, in reality they are death camps, are for those pesky folks who don't want to be poisoned by injection. It's really that simple, fundamentally.
I think most of the people have had over 4 years to come to that conclusion. With the fake covid pandemic pretty much off the radar, many have gone back to sleep assuming all is well.
Unfortunately, I think you’re too optimistic. My brother was talking about a couple of co-workers and friends who are fighting cancer and likely will lose. One has racked up a lot of debt for the medical treatments.
I asked if they were jabbed. His look was one of those “What are you talking about?” He didn’t know. But some were required to get them because they work in schools. He couldn’t make the connection. Of course not, he got the jab even though I told him it was all a scam back then. I was aware that after surviving an mRNA jab, the ferrets in the experiment all died when exposed to the virus*. That they can only expose the jabbed to the virus* in animal trials.
Those who were told by family and friends that the jab was likely dangerous but took it anyway are more likely to double down that they’re right and their family and friends are wrong.
* I no longer think viruses exist. Don’t believe in germ theory. It’s practically impossible to discuss any of this without using “virus”. They just called the flu “Covid”. Just be aware that the symptoms that are used to identify a cold or the flu are actually your body’s immune system response. Taking cold medicine is literally turning down your immune system.
Actually heard RFK, Jr say that he wouldn’t get the flu vaccine. That a study showed that while it strengthened the immune system against the flu; it weakened it against a coronavirus that produces the same flu symptoms.
Did you catch that? RFK, Jr said that just because you have flu symptoms, it could be caused by something other than the flu virus. That’s how poor critical thinking skills are today. He didn’t even realize that his statement contradicted his own understanding of germ theory.
A neighbor of mine was jabbed bc Her Daughter ('First Responder" a Nurse) insisted she take it to 'save herself'... now she wears headphones so she doesn't have to hear her own raging-screams and painful weeping/crying... of course the entire neighborhood know of her hideous story - and we respect her outrage.
And many still believe the evil narrative. Also, I believe there are those that KNOW, but will never admit it.
... the scoops are coming!...the scoops are coming! Soon enough they'll outlaw poverty - so don't worry there will be plenty of outlaws to fill the camps. Soylent Green is people!
Are you related to Henny?
No... but I do consider it a compliment when people ask, Henny was a riot.
Omg. I wonder if we can get this to someone in the Trump administration. America will have to get a divorce from these communist states.
A divorce from the state isn’t the best option. Help us help the rest of America. Long Island and Upstate don’t vote for these clowns with their totalitarian views. NYC does. We have to begin now to get them out of office in 2026.
YES! You are so right. We need to win in 2026. Are you signed up for Uniting NYS's newsletter? If not, sign up here to help #TakeBackNY: www.UnitingNYS.com
There is a federal regulation as well. Called the "shielding" approach. Every state has this sort of law or regulation ok the books now. Even Idaho and Florida.
It’s a state court case. NY. It’s not a federal court case.
It’s federally unconstitutional, and thus becomes a federal issue.
Let’s hope Trump keeps us out of the WHO and Bobby gets rid of these awful camps nationally.
Someone needs to bend Trump’s ear
He is giving multi millions for mRNA development.
Shh, you're not supposed to talk about that. It shatters the illusion.
We are now out of WHO. Red to work on leaving 5he UN!
Shame upon those judges. Shame upon them. And shame upon Governor Hochul and her minions. History will remember them.
We are in a war, and this was an important battle, but it's one of many. I appreciate all that you have done at great sacrifice, and, more than anything, I appreciate your clear speaking and your dedication to preserving our freedoms.
There are many proactive things we all can do, and it's not one-size-fits-all. Me, my focus is on my local elections, city, county, and state. I want to see more winning candidates who support no vax mandates, no mask mandates, no medical treatment mandates, and also important legal protections for citizens built into any and all quarantine regulations.
PS I hope to be able to shake your hand and tell you in person how much I appreciate all you have done— maybe at a Brownstone conference.
The members of Uniting NYS really appreciate Bobbie Anne too! Uniting NYS sends out a weekly newsletter that is loaded with great info. You can sign up here: www.unitingnys.com
Thank you-- I have been a subscriber to her excellent newsletter for a while now, and certainly I hope that anyone reading this who is not will take a look!
Awesome! Thank you!!!
Blessin's yer way Bobbie Anne fer fightin' this good fight. I'd suggest that assumin' Lee Zeldin AND Elise Stefanik are both supposed ta be in the Trump Cabinet, it's high time ta reach out to them both as I believe (dare I say it) we "chews" all have a concern about bein' locked up in "camps" fer "our own good." It didn't go so well the last time...
Also, as a mama of an adult disabled (autistic) daughter with insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes and a special diet (neither of which she kin manage herself) were she separated from me in a camp she'd be dead in a week... I literally function as "her pancreas" as insulin is a life-or-death thing an' every meal or snack she eats requires it--otherwise coma or death (which happens to many TYPICAL/non-autistic diabetics without scrupulous monitoring--we call it "dead in bed"). Like Hitler they wanna round up the disabled FIRST as they are the easiest to "removed" an' arguably cost Der Schtadt the most.
This is my worst hellscape nightmare! If petitions work (do they?) I'mma ready ta sign. Please don't give up (I don't trust DJT's admin ready ta bring on AI constant surveillance) to protect us without a fight. There is (as Bobby Jr said so truthfully) nowhere to hide now, not even in an attic.
Have two grown autistic sons myself, the youngest at 20 is a level 3. My oldest is a 1 and goes to college and only listens to approved and fact-checked sources. Their future is definitely part of why I find myself here. You’re spot-on with your take and I wish you and your daughter all the best And no, it didn’t go so well last time. Yet another reason I’m here.
thanks fer writin' Maureen, yup yup same boat... mine's 22, an Aspie but none to self-sufficient) --lol also a black-and-white thinker but she ARGUES & delivers monologues ta any "sources" with which she disagrees while ignorin' all personal space an' volume which all would not go over well with the camp "counselors"/wardens. Likely she'd just panic fight-'er-flight if confronted with strict "author-i-tease" (imagine the worst of Willowbrook as far as them bein' harsh ta young people with these challenges!).
An' apart from avoidin' the jabs like the plague (who would advocate fer them in a "camp" if parents are removed from our non-neurotypical young'uns)-- there's also the concept of unfamiliar setting.
I know you'll likely git this'un--SHOWERS (ordinary ones not the WWII kind!)--lordy, it's like self-care-the-nightmare.. Hard enuf given sensory issues at HOME (water itself a challenge), but imagine in some FEMA settin'--I see a meltdown from her comin' on jus' thinkin' about it... (mine still has 'em). So may we somehow be spared ALL of this and our worst fears...as I said..."Hellscape on Earth" ..... an' I don't imagine our kids would survive it...how could they?
Wishin' you an' yer sons the best too... ALL this is harder with "kids" so challenged!
Another way to keep updated on issues that we face in NY is to sign up for Uniting NYS's newsletter. You can do that on the website: www.UnitingNYS.com
yup, been signed up fer quite some time!
Wonderful! Thank you!
You can sign up for Uniting NYS's newsletter to keep informed about issues pertaining to NY. Sign up here: www.unitingnys.com
“shielding approach!” reminds me of SS terminology “selection!”
My dear woman, you are a SAINT! Thank you, Lee Zeldin, et al for all your tireless efforts. If we all unite, these evil political machines will be defeated. And if we can’t succeed, they will all be judged in damnation for an eternity.
Help us unite in NY by signing up for Uniting NYS's website: www.UnitingNYS.com
Zeldin is responsible for this mess. Had he brought up Hochul's evil plan, he would have beaten her and made it to big to rig. Even Moderate Dems know that Hochul is a tyrant, that is why in 3 Purple Districts I oversaw, Hochul lost all 3, 2 of them by twice as many votes. If you see Lee, remind him of his horrendous blunder. There is no room for forgiveness.
THANK YOU, Bobbie Anne and THIS sentence of yours was priceless "they always wrap their biggest lies up in candy".
The courts are largely disconnected circuses, as you know.
You may have already thought of this.....and I don't know if you have the energy to do this, but how about REFILING the entire thing with DIFFERENT PLAINTIFFS?? I don't think I read in the legal decisions for your case that "with prejudice" clause, and, even if it is there somewhere, it may not apply to NEW PLAINTIFFS. Just a thought (that you may have already thought!)
On another note, the struggle against males under the guise of "trans" trying to compete in girls' school sports continues. We will be having a Guest Speaker, Dr. Liz Fedak, at our NYC MFA (Medical Freedom Alliance) on SUNDAY, February 2nd at 1:30 at 122 East 83rd Street in Manhattan. She will be speaking on the "Misnomer of 'Gender-Affirming' Care", more info Linked below. I would love to see you!
Didn’t Montana just pass laws also for quarantine camps similar to NewYorks?
well luckily people in MT uphold the 2A. they can try to round people up, but it won't end well.
I believe all 50 states have similar codes or law's.
Under no circumstance would I comply no should any one. FEMA camps are akin to nazi concentration camps
Yes, you are right. First, we have to make sure it never gets to that point. We need to be diligent and paying attention to what these tyrants are doing. Sign up for Uniting NYS's newsletter to stay informed. www.UnitingNYS.com
Can you name these seven judges? Why should they go unnamed? Again, the state is imposing a medical intervention and you have a right to refuse all medical interventions. The whole covid thing was fake. I didn't believe any of it. So everyone's going to go along with this crap?
All this Marxist communist garbage comes from the polluted mind of a Jew to suppress non jew goyim. Just like they did in Russia. Notice none of the lawyers want to go against it, they want to stick you in the camps. That tells you who's running the show. There is no Democrat there is no Republican there is the bar mitzvah association. It's only a matter of time until they will be chased down in the streets with baseball bats and I highly recommend that they be killed. To force you into a camp is a violent act and you have a right to stand up to violence. Not only do you have a right, you have a duty to. New York is so dirty and disgusting with Jewish organized crime and everybody's afraid to do or say anything about it. It's obvious the lawyers from the bar association are not here to help you. They are here to steal your property and labor.
I named them in a comment when the second go round happened.
Mustve missed it. I think it's silly to think you're going to put people in the quarantine camp. They're just asking for blood. If you have to quarantine it's best to stay home. If true, welcome to Bolshevik 2.0. people don't learn from history.
No argument from me......Replace silly with dangerous!
Count me in for the next round, Bobbie Anne! Just made a donation to your legal fund. Looking forward to finding creative ways to inform millions more New Yorkers about the nefarious direction our state is taking so we can turn things around ASAP!
Thank you for your support, Anne, and all of your great work.
We are definitely going to have a lot to do this year, gearing up for voting Hochul and these sick politicians in Albany OUT of office in 2026. It begins now.
Anne, you are so kind and such a blessing! Thanks so much for supporting Bobbie Anne!
God bless you, Bobbie Anne
Our God is the God of last second victories
Things will have to seem dimmer and darker before He humiliates the proud and crushes them under foot.
Darker days first, and then God’s Triumph.
Thank you for staying in the fight.
Sorry to hear that New York has gone full rouge communist. All last week we heard how Trump was sticking it to the globalists...maybe on the surface, but underneath with mandates and dictates like this we are still one step away from total totalitarianism and death.
I am going to assume these are really death camps and that even locking you in your home for no reason whatsoever is also an attempt to murder you. The depopulation scheme is alive and well no matter what Trump pretends to do.
So sad and scary. With AI and mrna, bird flu, bovaer and Gates, what is going to happen next. Im afraid to get any produce at a store due to edible vaccines and sequivity in met. NY and CA are just the start ofseed planting of these sick destructive plans. We thought this was a golden beginning. Maybe just the lesser of evils.
For me, I think it’s a short reprieve of some of it. With so many of them trying to continue business as usual, it’ll be a challenge to carry forth. Other day I heard that the huge amount of executive orders ongoing now is because of mid-terms coming up in two short years; he’s trying to get b out in front in that.