After enduring the insanity and utter shock of the past five years, which many refer to as “the COVID era,” I have become a fierce defender of our Constitution. I bring lawsuits against the tyrannical NYS government to protect and enforce our Constitution, I write articles about how the Constitution works, its protections and limitations, and I give speeches, do interviews, press conferences, etc. about the importance of our Constitution and why we must work hard to preserve it. My goal? To try to motivate the citizenry to put in the work that is needed to maintain our society as one that is governed for the people and by the people, for if the past few years have taught us anything, it’s that freedom is not a guarantee. Not in the least. Instead, freedom is only a promise if we are all willing to work to preserve it.
A famous quote came to mind when I sat down to write this article. President Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction.” I am a steadfast believer in Reagan’s sentiment. Wanting to confirm the precise quote and see when he used it, I went to the website for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, and there I learned that Reagan said this first not while President, but when he was being sworn-in as Governor of California in 1967. His full speech can be accessed online there, but I quote below the part I find most powerful to us today, and I embolden the phrases I think should be emphasized:
To a number of us, this is a first and hence a solemn and a momentous occasion, and yet, on the broad page of state and national history, what is taking place here is almost a commonplace routine. We are participating in the orderly transfer of administrative authority by direction of the people. And this is the simple magic of the commonplace routine, which makes it a near miracle to many of the worlds inhabitants. This continuing fact that the people, by democratic process, can delegate power, and yet retain the custody of it.
Perhaps you and I have lived too long with this miracle to properly be appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.
Knowing this, it's hard to explain those among us who even today would question the people's capacity for self- government. I've often wondered if they will answer, those who subscribe to that philosophy: if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? Using the temporary authority granted by the people, in increasing number lately at all levels of government, have sought control even of the means of production as if they could do this without eventually controlling those who produce. And always they explain this as necessary to the people's welfare. "The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principle upon which it was founded." This was written in 1748, and it's as true today as it was then.
Government is the people's business, and every man, woman and child becomes a shareholder with the first penny of tax paid. With all the profound wording of our federal Constitution, probably the most meaningful words are the first three, "We, the People." And those of us here today who have been elected to constitutional office and to the legislature are in that three word phrase. We are of the people, we are chosen by the people to see that no permanent structure of government ever encroaches on the people's freedom or assumes a power beyond that which has freely been granted to us by the people. We stand between the taxpayer and the tax spender.
As you can see, Reagan is talking about the power of We The People, and our right to govern ourselves. Then he goes into how the government, if left unchecked by its rulers (us), will spiral out of control and take our power to keep as their own, always dressing it up as something they are doing to help us, or (worse yet) to protect us. Remember folks, as I have said many times before, the government wraps up their worst lies in candy.
We just witnessed this first hand with COVID, and many of us who live in “blue states” are still witnessing it today with the next fear-mongering ploy (the “climate crisis”, the “housing crisis”, the “migrant crisis”, the “inequality crisis”) that our government is using to control us (with the power we give them). I, and many others at the Brownstone Institute where I am a Fellow, are unwavering in our commitment to never let the people forget the horrendous and sometimes unthinkable things our government did to us, all in the name of promoting public “health” and “safety.” We write about them and speak about them constantly.
You must never forget how the government forced you to wear a mask indoors, outdoors, eating, drinking, standing, running… didn’t matter to them. You had to have it on wherever you were, always remaining 6 feet apart from other humans (unless of course you were one of the rule makers like Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, NYC’s COVID Czar, and so on, then the rules didn’t apply to you). Never lose the memories of how the government forced you to take an experimental drug in order to enter a restaurant, to attend a show/concert, to continue going to school, or to keep your job. Never forget how the government required you to stay in your house, locked down for weeks or months on end. People lost their jobs, small business owners lost their livelihoods, so many lost their homes, careers shattered, lives lost, and the most vulnerable amongst us, the elderly, forced to wither away in isolation, and those that died could not even have a proper funeral hosted by their loved ones.
There were so many mind-blowing stories about extreme suffering, loss and death. All done by our government. All done in the name of “protecting you.”
We cannot let the population forget, for if we do, then history will unquestionably repeat itself. How do I know this? Well the writing is on the wall, you simply need to read it. Excellent living and breathing example that I can speak of first hand is my quarantine camp battle against New York’s disgraceful governor, Kathy Hochul, and her insidious Department of Health. It is the epitome of governmental tyranny - a taking of a power that the people gave to a different branch of government, and using it to imprison the citizenry! New York’s illegal reg gave unelected bureaucrats in the DOH the power to throw you into a quarantine facility, indefinitely, with the force of police, without due process warning or the right to an attorney, without the chance to defend yourself against their ex parte order, and without any proof you were sick or even exposed to a communicable disease. UNREAL. A true dystopian nightmare.

I have written countless times about the heinousness of Hochul’s quarantine camp regulation, and you can find details about it in my most recent articles here and here. I’ve also done innumerable interviews throughout my three-year-battle against the Governor and her DOH. With the Court of Appeals’ recent ruling last month refusing to hear the case, I’ve been doing another round of interviews on the topic. The most recent interviews were done just the past week or so - one of which was a panel discussion hosted by long-time, health freedom activist, Curtis Cost, which you can access here, and the other was the America Out Loud News podcast “Unleashed! The Political News Hour” hosted by former Mayor of Williamsville, Deb Rogers, which you can access here. I encourage you to listen to these interviews in order to gain a deeper understanding of the insanity that New York State was trying to do to its people.
Towards the end of my interview with Deb Rogers, I made the point that when something is just too outrageous or too offensive for our conscience to grasp, humans will reject the notion as unbelievable or impossible. The pre-Socratic, ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, was credited as saying it this way, “Because it is so unbelievable, the truth often escapes being known.” We cannot allow the quarantine camp saga to be cast aside as too far-fetched to be real, otherwise it to be forgotten. This is especially dangerous since the possibility of its return is very high. The fact is that, the activist appellate judges in New York State reversed my trial court win from 2022, and as such, they have now laid the groundwork for the dystopian government to re-issue their abhorrent “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” regulation.
On the same note, we must never allow the stunning wrongs done by our government during the COVID era to be forgotten. Freedom is but one generation away from extinction. Even more pressing in today’s fast-paced world of ever-advancing technology, AI and internet, I dare say that freedom is only ever but one election away from extinction. This is why every single one of us must roll up our sleeves and get involved in the preservation of our freedom, of our Constitution, of our way of life. As Ronald Reagan said more than half a century ago, “[Freedom] is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”
We lost many freedoms during the COVID years. Some we wrestled back from the overbearing government, and others we are still fighting for. Let us remain fully engaged and ever diligent such that we never allow them to steal more of our freedoms ever again.
Don’t Forget
This is a joint effort… Keeping the public well informed on hot topics, legal issues, and more is something I love doing, but it takes time and resources to keep it going. Additionally, all of my lawsuits thus far against New York State, all of my speeches, lectures, and so on, I have done pro bono. Please consider supporting my work:
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Lest we forget...the "more sophisticated" unmasked VIP attendees to Obama's 2021 birthday party served by "unsophisticated" masked servers:
F them all. Civil disobedience. "Nobody in the entirety of human history ever complied their way out of tyranny." Or something to that effect as said by RFK Jr.
We. Must. Educate our children on how + why America. Must. Survive with Freedom ! An informed voter is a DANGEROUS VOTER TO THE “ ELITE “ that’s what the Kathy. Hocoul’s of the world are TERRIFIED OF AN EDUCATED +. INFORMED. VOTER !