Christmas is almost here, and I want to write a quick article to you, my wonderful subscribers, before the holiday week gets into full swing. Personally, I celebrate Christmas, but no matter what religion you are, and which faith you follow, I would like to wish you and yours a blessed holiday season!
For those of you who follow my Substack, you’ll know that this Christmas is going to be a rough one, as I lost my beloved father, Robert Flower, this summer. He was a tremendous force in my life, and I have always credited who and what I am to him, for he was an amazing role model and mentor. The oldest of four boys, who’s father died a couple of days before Christmas when my father was only 16, he was destined to face many a challenge in his lifetime, starting from his teenage years. After high school, my father helped his mother run their family funeral home, so there was no time for college which was upsetting to my father since he had a true thirst for knowledge. He would later put himself through night school and earn his degree from Fordham University, and then another degree from NYU. But the immediate job at hand for him was the family business which he did because duty called, not because he loved the work. He always used to tell me, “We don’t always get to do what we want to do. But, if you do the right thing for the right reasons, you will succeed.” Not wanting to stay in the family funeral home business, once his younger brother finished high school and mortician school, my father set out to make his own life in the world of real estate with just a few bucks in his pocket and not a helping hand or mentor in sight.
The man was truly self-made. He exemplified the American dream on full display. He was so poor when he first set out on his own, he used to eat a 10 cent candy bar for dinner at night, because that’s all he could afford! He rented a one-room apartment in the basement of a small house, and he worked his tail off and earned his success, every hour, every day, every week. He was smart, hard-working, dedicated, determined, and very kind-hearted. Even when he had nothing in those beginning years, he gave back. He acted as a “Big Brother” in a program for under-privileged children. Do you know that the boy he was paired up with, Johnny, remained friends with my father for the rest of his life? Johnny came to many a family holiday celebration over the years at our house, and he was at my father’s memorial service in July. My father coached youth football in his town back in the 1970’s, years before he had kids of his own. Every once in a blue moon my father would hear from one of the boys he coached. They’d look him up and reach out to thank him for making a positive impact on their lives during their developmental teenage years. In fact, one of those boys, (now a man in his 60’s), attended my father’s Celebration of Life memorial when he passed.
At around age 40, my father was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. The doctors warned him there was no cure, all the treatments were experimental, and his life expectancy was not good. The man wouldn’t have it. Die? Leave this earth before I’ve reached my full potential? No way! And so, my father battled leukemia for the next 40+ years. It wasn’t a death sentence for him. It was just another challenge. Not surprisingly, he outlived their projected life expectancy by a few decades, despite the fact that he had a few very close encounters with death. Sometimes when he came out of remission, he’d end up in the hospital for a month or so at a time. He had many ups and downs, and all the while, he worked to support his family, nurture and encourage us. My father never identified as a cancer patient, and through it all, the man never complained. Not once. No joke. In fact, he rarely spoke about his nemesis, to the point that most people didn’t even know he had leukemia.
My father used to tell me, “Don’t look for the easy way out. Look for the challenge. It’s the harder path, but it will make you stronger.” And I did, growing up with my schooling and my competitive figure skating career, and still now today as an attorney. As many of you know, in the face of totalitarian regimes commandeering our state (New York) and federal government these past few years, I am a fierce advocate for We The People, both in the courtroom and on the public stage. I do not bow to the political gods, dirty as they are. My life successes are thanks to my father and the stolid lessons he taught me for the half century I had him. I must say, five decades was not long enough with him, and especially during this holiday season, I long to have more. However, his legacy will never die, of that I am sure, as I pass on his greatest qualities and stories to my children. I miss my father tremendously, and the holidays just exemplify the void, as I’m sure many of you have experienced in your lives, too.
If you want to hear more about my amazing father and the extraordinary things he encouraged me to do (like fight one of the most corrupt and radical state governments in our nation, single-handedly, pro bono, to defeat their unconstitutional quarantine camp regulation), you can read more here and here.
With much gratitude…
This holiday season, I also want to express a heartfelt “thank you” to each and every one of you!
Whether you subscribe to my Substack, or share my articles with your networks, or follow me on Twitter and Instagram, or donate to my legal fund, or all of the above, thank you from the bottom of my heart! My work would be that much more difficult and less impactful if I didn’t have your support, both moral and financial.
On the moral support side, I want you to know that I do try to read as many as possible of the wonderful comments, posts, messages, emails, letters, and cards that I receive. I rarely get the opportunity to respond to them, but that doesn’t mean I don’t read them. I do. You all act as my positive reinforcements with your terrific words of encouragement. Keep them coming!
Here is one such card. I received it from a subscriber all the way out in Arizona. It’s one of my favorites...
In addition to the moral support, the financial support is equally if not more important. I simply cannot continue to do the work I have been doing on behalf of We The People the past few years without your continued donations.
I hope you will consider making a donation to my legal fund this holiday season, here.
Or giving the gift of a paid subscription to my Substack, here.
Larger gifts can be made to our non-profit that supports my work, here.
As you likely know, for the past almost 3 years now, I have been handling my quarantine camp lawsuit against Governor Hochul and her DOH, pro bono. Lawsuits are extremely time consuming, hyper technical, and very costly. That lawsuit alone has cost me in the six-figure range with fees, costs, lost income opportunities, etc. Additionally in 2023-2024, I did (also pro bono) the “ERA” lawsuit to stop Prop 1 here in New York State. (We were successful at the trial court level which knocked Prop 1 off the ballot, but then the AG appealed and got our case tossed by an appointed, activist, appellate court. Sadly, Prop 1 passed by 56%, and the radical Albany crooks, aka politicians, have now added to our Constitution an anti-parental rights, anti-free speech, anti-women’s rights amendment). In addition to my courtroom battles, all of the speeches, conventions, press conferences, Town Halls, etc., that I speak at are also all done gratis.
So, you can imagine that I heavily rely upon the donations from the public, as well as my paid subscribers here on Substack, to make my work possible. And so, I say thank you to all of you who have supported me in the past, and who are actively supporting me with recurring donations, or with a paid Substack subscription. I truly appreciate you helping me help you.
For anyone who hasn’t yet supported, I would love it if you would consider doing so now. I am so proud to announce that I have been named a 2025 Fellow at the Brownstone Institute! This will be my third year in a row, and I am thrilled to continue my relationship with Brownstone. Their support also helps me continue to do what I do for you and all Americans. Though their support is wonderful, it is not all encompassing, so I hope you’ll pitch in this holiday season to help me continue fighting for you!
You can make a donation HERE.
For larger donations, there’s a non-profit 501(c)(3) that you can donate to, the Foundation for Constitutional Preservation and Advancement.
To become a paying subscriber on my Substack, click here.
Thank you in advance, for your support! It is so appreciated, and crucial.
Thank you so much Bobbie Ann, for sharing this and for all you do!
What an amazing man your father was!
God bless you!
Merry Christmas!
Surely from his new home your beloved father still gazes on you with pride. So much thanks, Bobbie Anne, for all you do for us New Yorkers! Have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy, Happy New Year!